Throughout history American Presidents have delivered some of the world’s finest, most inspirational and memorable speeches. Barack Obama’s forefathers would be proud of many of his speeches: “Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends — hard work and honesty,[…]
Leadership category
Do you have to be an inspirational speaker to be President?
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Aug 21, 2016
A 60 Minute Masterclass in Public Speaking: Hillary Clinton
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Jul 31, 2016
Hillary Clinton concluded the speeches of the 2016 Democratic National Convention with a brilliant masterclass in public speaking in just under an hour. This is what we can take for her luminous speech: 1. What’s so important? Your message is the lifeblood of your speech or presentation, it’s the number one thing you want your[…]
“The America I know”: The politics of perceptiontrust?
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jul 30, 2016
The President of the United States and ‘would be’ President have both shared their perspective on ‘The America I know’. Barack Obama talks of an America which is “full of courage, and optimism, and ingenuity.” Donald Trump on the other hand knows an America where “illegal immigrants are roaming free to threaten innocent citizens.” It’s[…]
The Power of Storytelling in Public Speaking – Bill Clinton
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Jul 29, 2016
It’s no secret that storytelling is the new super power of public speaking in business, politics and even at home. In fact, it’s not new; stories have always been an intrinsic part of everyday life. A good story well told helps us to make sense of things, feel what the speaker feels and even change[…]
Michelle Obama holds the key to mindful presenting. Plenty has been written about the extraordinary oratory skills of Barack Obama. It seems to me that his wife Michelle Obama could give him a ‘run for his money’ at Toastmasters. America’s First Lady Michelle Obama gave an impassioned speech at the Democratic National Convention this week.[…]
Donald Trump Presenting the Facts, the Future and Fear
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jul 25, 2016
Is presenting and public speaking one of Donald Trump’s greatest strengths? Whatever your view on his politics, personality or speaking style when it comes to public speaking every time Mr Trump takes the platform we get to learn something from him. Last week’s high profile acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland was[…]
6 Common Traits of Brilliant Leaders & Exceptional Presenters
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jul 21, 2016
Brilliant leaders and exceptional presenters have a great deal more in common than many people imagine. Some people may not associate strong leadership with effective presentation skills and vice versa. It is generally unwise to separate the two skills It’s worth making the distinction at this point that there are leaders and presenters. There are[…]
Theresa May – Andrea Leadsom: The Public Speakers
Communication Skills, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jul 08, 2016
On the 9th September 2016 Conservative Party Members will decide who will become the UK’s second female Prime Minister. It has been suggested that Theresa May’s experience as the longest-serving home secretary for over a century may be better placed to lead the UK through these challenging and uncertain times. On the other hand, support[…]
Leadership Lessons & High Impact Public Speaking From Charities
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking May 29, 2016
Leadership lessons are abound in many of the worlds finest charities. Those leadership lessons extend way beyond culture. They impact their presentation and public speaking skills immensely too. At Mindful Presenter our presentation skills training revolves around creating that all important emotional connection as well as an intellectual understanding. Our team consider it an honour and[…]
20 Reasons everyone needs to communicate effectively
Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking May 04, 2016
The ability to communicate effectively and with impact, is one of the most valuable skills in the world today. The 20 reasons everyone needs to communicate effectively 1- To persuade and convince others to do business with you or see things differently. 2- To create a personal impact and be remembered for the right reasons.[…]
Presentation Lessons from a Preacher: Joel Osteen
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Apr 29, 2016
Presentation Lessons from a Preacher: Joel Osteen As a presentation skills coach I love to talk. That said, I made a decision many years ago that there are two things I would try my very hardest to avoid speaking about in public. Religion and politics Given that I’m neither a theologian nor a politician most[…]
The future of high impact presenting – Mindfulness is the key
Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Dec 19, 2015
I believe that the future of high impact presenting and public speaking revolves around mindfulness. My latest search for ‘presentation skills’ on Amazon yielded over 40,000 results. Google trumped them with 961 million – Keep your hands out of your pockets – Don’t fidget – Make good eye contact These are just a few of[…]
10 Traits of Highly Successful Speakers and Presenters
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Oct 24, 2015
Highly successful speakers spend a great deal of time learning their craft. Having spoken and worked with many of them here is what I’ve learned. 1. They focus on the opportunity Successful speakers feel nervous too but they make a conscious choice to reframe their thinking. They focus on how they can help their audience.[…]
PURPOSE – The Secret to High Impact Presenting
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jul 26, 2015
The secret to high impact presenting is, PURPOSE. The next time you are presenting at work, ask yourself what you want your audience to remember. ‘I want you to think back to the very last presentation you attended and tell me the one thing you remember from it’. We ask that question during each of[…]
Public Speaker Lessons: Obama’s Eulogy for Reverend Pinckney
Communication Skills, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jul 12, 2015
There are many public speaker lesssons we can learn from President Obama. As a public speaker I’ve never made any secret of the fact that President Obama stands out for me as one of the most gifted orators in the world today. Politics aside, i’m interested in how he delivers his message and the[…]
5 Tips to Transform Your Business Meetings
Communication Skills, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Feb 19, 2015
In today’s fast paced corporate environment, many business meetings can be complex and demanding decision making forums. If you spend time in business meetings today, you may have noticed a paradox. It’s likely that you will have to prepare exhaustively for every conceivable eventuality, whilst also being ready to improvise in a heartbeat when in[…]
Are you presenting soon? – 6 things your audience really need from you
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Dec 31, 2014
Your audience really need 6 things from you each time you present. In 1943, Abraham Maslow released a psychology paper called, ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’. The theory suggests we each live by 6 fundamental human needs. Physiological: what we need for survival Safety: what we need to feel safe and secure Love and belonging:[…]
Barack Obama- Master of the Pause
Advice, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Sep 26, 2014
Barack Obama is arguably one of the best speakers in the world today. In my opinion he is unquestionably, the master of the pause. We saw this again this week in his address to the United Nations General Assembly Barack Obama outlined steps world leaders should take against violent extremists such as the Islamic[…]
Forget the Elevator Speech – Just Press the Button
Advice, Communication Skills, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Sep 15, 2014
I enjoy networking, although, I really don’t care too much for the elevator speech. ‘Good morning, my name is John and I’m a partner at ABC; solicitors, accountants, marketing, training, etc. We are based in Richmond, have been in business for thirty years . We not only give excellent customer service but we offer great[…]
4 powerful ways to connect with your audience
Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills Aug 15, 2014
Do you connect with your audience? Are you entirely happy with your presentation skills? What about your colleagues; do they have the presentation skills needed to keep your attention, interest and curiosity? The next time you get to sit through a presentation, make it your business to have a good look around the audience[…]
Just how effective are your presentation skills – have you asked?
Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Aug 06, 2014
Have you recieved feedback on your presentation skills? To be able to truly develop ourselves as public speakers, presenters and leaders the one thing we all need a great deal more of is feedback. 30 years ago, as a young manager, I thought I knew it all. I was climbing the corporate ladder faster[…]
You can be nervous and still give a great speech
Anxiety, Leadership, Mindfulness, nervous, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Aug 04, 2014
You really can be very nervous and still give a great speech. At Mindful Presenter we are at very successful at helping people to overcome their public speaking anxiety If you feel nervous at the thought of presenting or public speaking, you’re not alone In fact, you’re in very good company The history books are[…]
Do Presenters Need PowerPoint to Connect With an Audience?
Leadership, Mindfulness, PowerPoint, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Aug 03, 2014
Is PowerPoint the first thing you turn to when you are called on to present? Simon Sinek’s inspirational TED talk ‘How great leaders inspire action’,is a wonderful example of how effective public speakers and presenters can be without using PowerPoint. With almost 15 milion YouTube hits, it’s easy to see why Simon has been described[…]
The best presenters know how to breathe – they are mindful presenters
Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jul 31, 2014
The best presenters understand the power of their breath and know how to use it to their advantage when speaking. One of the very first things a good public speaking coaching session will teach if you suffer from public speaking anxiety is to breathe effectively. If anxiety or nerves isn’t an issue for you,[…]
Public speaking anxiety- It’s all in the mind…
Anxiety, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Jul 30, 2014
Google the search term ‘public speaking anxiety’ and you’ll be greeted by a torrent of articles. I came up with over 167million results Everything from: relax, prepare, practice and breathe; to imagining your audience naked. It’s all very sound advice, apart from the naked part! If you are one of the many people affected by[…]
Presentation training – 4 questions your audience have for you before you utter a word
Leadership, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Jul 27, 2014
Presentation training isn’t simply about sharing knowledge, information and insights. It’s ultimately about helping you to connect with your audience. The next time you are called on to give a presentation, you can be certain that sitting before you will be a very diverse group of people. – Some won’t want to be there[…]
The ‘M’ Point of Mindful Presenting & Public Speaking
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jul 24, 2014
The key to mindful presenting is having clarity of your ‘M’ POINT? The distinction between mediocre and mindful presenting is real and highly visible. For the mediocre presenter, years of unconscious programming can lead to mechanical reactions. In other words, a presentation based on ‘information overolad’. Presenting everything you know and want to say on[…]