
Advice category

woman in pink top shouting

Would you like to learn the secret to brilliant presenting? Earl Nightingale, the highly respected speaker, author and radio personality gave us the secret to brilliant presenting. He recorded an audio program which sold over a million copies to become the first spoken- word recording to achieve Gold Record Status. ‘The Strangest Secret’ has since[…]

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hillary clinton

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton visited a Baptist Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin last week to participate and speak on the subject of gun violence. A few weeks before that she spoke in Miami, Florida at what is known in American political campaigning as ‘Super Tuesday’. In two completely different speaking forums with strikingly contrasting tones[…]

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Board meeting

Powerful presentation tips may offer the answer to transforming tedious business meetings which leave so many professionals uninspired. A number of readers seemed to empathise with a previous article I wrote, having left comments such as:  ‘My previous employer needs to read this’ ‘Whew! I thought it was just me!’ ‘Many companies could take notes[…]

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‘The Curse of Knowledge’ presents a significant challenge for most presenters. The ‘Curse of Knowledge’  is a phenomenon we experience every week in our training workshops. In layman’s terms,’The Curse of Knowledge,’ simply means that you assume that other people know the things that you do. It’s a curse because it causes you to believe[…]

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Business meeting

Presenting your monthly update at company meetings can be a challenge for many professionals. It is that last Friday of the month; time for the monthly update Everyone sits in exactly the same seat around the same table. They tell each other largely the same things they say each month. ‘Good morning, I’m here to[…]

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Authenticity has long been one of the most respected and sought after qualities in leadership, presenting and public speaking. We live in highly competitive world. For many, our very self-esteem rests squarely on being liked, impressing people and an insatiable desire to look good. That’s why it’s so refreshing to hear someone speak who is completely[…]

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Who would have thought it possible to ‘wow’ your audience in less than 2 minutes So much has been written about the skill of speaking and presenting in public. I’ve written over 100 articles myself in the last year alone. I’ve written an entire series about the ‘Art and Science of Presenting’, opening, closing, storytelling,[…]

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us presidents

Presenting is only as complex as you make it Our clients often present a similar opening challenge to us with each enquiry: “Our work is very technical and complex to explain. It is important to ensure that we are able to simplify our message and communicate it clearly.” We get it, every business is unique[…]

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Closeup of business people hands clapping at conference

Here are 5 Presentation lessons from Presenting is about crafting and delivering a persuasive message with meaningful stories. After all, there’s not much point in delivering an Oscar winning performance if your objective is to lead your audience into action and they simply applaud and do nothing.  The following 5 Presentation lessons from[…]

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woman in red dress pointing while holding megaphone

  Tthe following 5 presentation nuggets from will serve you well the next time you are asked to present. 1. Believe in Your Audience  “Employees mirror the enthusiasm, determination, and direction of a leader who shares innate confidence in their competence. With this understanding, employees learn to “act their parts” and exemplify the underlying[…]

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Man speaking at conference

Here are 5 presentation gems from Each of the following extracts from will help you to raise the bar on your own presentation performance: 1. Present like a GPS, not like a road map “A GPS shows you just the information you absolutely need to know at that moment. The key is simplicity,[…]

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woman presenting

  In our training workshops we are often asked to help presenters to answer questions with confidence. Most presentations involve some form of question and answer session. For many professionals, it’s major source of anxiety. Many presenters dread the question and answer session Having invested so much time and energy researching and crafting their presentation[…]

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business meeting. Professionals asked to present

    How effective and productive is your monthly meeting? I was often troubled by a particular pattern I saw in the monthly meeting.  A typical monthly meeting would look something like this: – Each person sitting in the same seat they always occupied. – Each manager taking it in turns to update the room[…]

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Presenting in business has changed dramatically over the past two decades. The question is, has your organisation changed or are you part of today’s leadership crisis? Would you: Market your business today the same way you were marketing it 20 years ago? Use exactly the same technology today that you were using in your business[…]

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man presenting to big audience

Just how important is body language in public speaking and presenting? What you say is of paramount importance. Disregard to the way you say it can undermine and destroy every good intention you have. Most presenters understand the need to project confident, open body language when delivering an important message. There’s a lot more you[…]

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man looking board

  The internet is full of presentation tips focused on helping professionals to get rid of bad habits. Many of them overlook one of the most damaging, ‘waffling’. Reading slides, reciting bullet points, fidgeting and incessant ‘umming’ and ‘erring’ are amongst the most common. One of the biggest offenders is the menace known as, ‘waffling’.[…]

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woman presenting

  I don’t think I’ve ever witnessed a sales pitch where the pitcher calls the president ‘incompetent’, the competition ‘stupid’ and then insults his business partners. Until now that is That’s exactly what Donald Trump did during his rambling speech at the Phoenix Convention Centre last week. With an audience of thousands and the prospect[…]

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girl reading story under blanket on tablet

  Storytelling in business presentations can have a significant impact on the way we influence our audience. Each of us have stories to tell which hold the wisdom and power to influence, inspire and connect with others. Storytelling in business presentations connect people emotionally In a world of ‘noises’ and distractions, our audience need more.[…]

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