Preparing for and delivering an effective presentation at work is a challenge for many people. There are a number of anxieties associated with presenting at work, ranging from: – Inexperience – A lack of confidence – Perfectionism – Past experience – A fear of being judged – Being shy or nervous – Imposter syndrome The[…]
Posts by:
Maurice Decastro
Does your boss keep interrupting your presentation at work?
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Oct 13, 2023
Rishi Sunak’s impressive presentation delivery-what about his content?
Communication Skills, Leadership Oct 07, 2023
Rishi Sunak’s impressive presentation delivery at the Conservative party conference was a good example of how to speak with confidence and conviction. As far as public speaking and presentation skills are concerned he arguably ticked all of the boxes of an impressive presentation delivery. As the prime minister you would of course expect a high[…]
How to present with passion – Lessons from a 7 year old
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jul 30, 2023
Would you like to present with passion? When Molly Wright became one of the youngest-ever TED speakers, she taught the world exactly how to present with passion, confidence and impact. A seven year old girl taking the prestigious TED Talk stage created a fair amount of controversy. Molly’s parents received a number of negative comments[…]
How to win an argument – Present the facts, feelings and future
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jun 17, 2023
Have you ever tried to win an argument; I think we all have. Personally, I don’t like the idea of arguing with anyone or even writing about it but I’m confident we’ve all been there. I share Dale Carnegie’s view, which he shared in his best-selling book, ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’: “I[…]
Present ideas, insights and imagination, not just information
General, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jun 04, 2023
In a business world challenged with cognitive overload, it’s time to present ideas, insights and imagination; not just information. Data and information are extremely important. In fact, they are vital components of leading a successful business. That said, we have evolved in a business world where much of the information we need or choose to[…]
Public speaking survey results – How people feel about public speaking and presenting
Communication Skills, General, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking May 30, 2023
Public speaking survey results – How people feel about public speaking and presenting How do you feel about public speaking and presenting? That’s one of the first question’s we ask all of our workshop and coaching clients. As you may imagine, the response is often very mixed. In fact, it felt so mixed that we[…]
Have you ever listened to a recording or your own voice?
Communication Skills, General, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking May 25, 2023
When was the last time you listened to a recording of your own voice after giving a presentation? Presenting aside, have you ever listened to a recording of your own voice? If you have, how did it make you feel? If you were your audience, could you listen to you? Here at Mindful Presenter I[…]
How do you feel about public speaking and presenting?
Presentation Skills, Public Speaking May 01, 2023
How do you feel about public speaking and presenting? I’d be very grateful if you would take 5 minutes to take part in our short survey. The team at Mindful Presenter Ltd would love to hear about your experience and views regarding public speaking and presenting. Your answers are an important part of our mission[…]
The 20 Habits of Truly Brilliant Presenters
General, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Apr 29, 2023
The 20 Habits of Truly Brilliant Presenters eBook has been downloaded over 25,000 times since it was published. Here is a brief visual overview of those 20 habits in the form of an infographic. Mindful presenting is a highly affective way of managing and changing bad public speaking and presenting habits. It’s also the pathway to[…]
How impactful is your organisation’s health and safety presentation?
Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Apr 02, 2023
A health and safety presentation is arguably one of the most important presentations made in the workplace today. They can save lives. Despite their significance, some organisations are oblivious to the negative and damaging culture they are creating through the content they insist their health and safety officers present. The paradox A health and safety[…]
The mindset of a mindful presenter is the key to their effectiveness and success. When it comes to public speaking and presenting, your mindset can be your greatest champion or most powerful foe. We have a choice We can worry about everything that could possibly go wrong and focus on: – Our nerves – Being[…]
How to make public speaking your communication super power
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Mar 03, 2023
When I was a small boy, I had no idea that there was such a thing as a communication super power. Even if I had, I’m sure it wouldn’t have been at the top of my list of priorities.. Intrigued as to how things may have changed over the last several decades, I ‘Googled’,[…]
10 simple ideas to create a strong communication culture
Communication Skills, Leadership Feb 26, 2023
Every leader understands and advocates the significance of a strong communication culture. Exceptional leaders understand that building an open, healthy and positive communication culture isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s critical. At Mindful Presenter, we have the good fortune of working with many of the world’s best loved brands. The savvy companies don’t[…]
12 Reasons why highly intelligent people are still delivering such bad presentations
General, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Feb 18, 2023
We’ve all sat through bad presentations at work. The question is, why are so many highly intelligent, creative and talented business professionals still delivering such bad presentations? What is a bad presentation? Before we consider why bad presentations are still so prevalent in the workplace today, it’s worth gaining some clarity on what these look[…]
How to avoid the feeling of Groundhog Day in business presentations
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jan 29, 2023
Have you ever sat through a business presentation that felt a bit like Groundhog Day? It’s that feeling that you’ve been there before; it’s like déjà vu on steroids. You may be listening to a different presenter sharing different content but it looks, feels and sounds the same. It’s like you’re reliving the same business[…]
7 Ways great leaders develop their team’s public speaking skills
Leadership, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jan 28, 2023
Many leaders would agree that one of the key elements of their organisation’s success, depends on their team’s public speaking skills. Whether it’s a business update, sales pitch or client meeting, your team’s public speaking skills and effectiveness can significantly influence the way both you and your business are perceived. That presents an interesting leadership[…]
Self-compassion opens the door to public speaking success
Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jan 08, 2023
The internet and book stores are overflowing with advice on how to achieve public speaking success. Know your audience Craft a clear message Prepare, practice, pause Make eye contact Keep it simple Watch your body language Use compelling visuals Open and close with impact Imagine your audience in their underwear (please don’t!) There are many,[…]
12 Bad presentation habits to leave behind in 2022
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Dec 31, 2022
Bad presentation habits are everywhere. You’ve probably been on the receiving end of a few of them this year. Perhaps you’ve even been challenged by a few yourself. I’m not referring to the usual culprits. A few common bad presentation habits are – Saying ‘Err’, ‘Umm’, ‘So’, ‘You know. Etc. – Talking too fast[…]
The King’s Christmas Broadcast 2022 – A message of light
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills Dec 28, 2022
The King’s Christmas Broadcast 2022 was a message of light. “Everlasting light” “My mother’s belief in the power of that light” “To shine a light” “Shining a light” “As the Bible tells us, ‘The light that has come into the world’ was born.” “The power of light overcoming darkness.” “This life-giving light” “With all my[…]
It’s time to stop presenting and start connecting
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Dec 23, 2022
For over a decade, our team at Mindful Presenter have been helping professionals all over the world to stop presenting and start connecting. We’re making good progress but still have a long way to go. In our experience, most people don’t like presenting and many don’t like the idea of being presented to either.[…]
12 Common Presentation Time Wasters
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Dec 16, 2022
There are a great number of presentation time wasters professionals experience every day. Sometimes a good way to learn what to do, is to know what not to do first. We are living in the information age Most of us are overwhelmed with information every single day. Information has never in history been easier to[…]
Would you like to know the truth about high impact presenting? I ask the question mindfully in the knowledge that there are a great number of myths about what it takes to become an effective presenter. In a previous article, ‘10 Common Public Speaking Myths We Need To Dispel Immediately,‘ I wrote: ‘Don’t let the[…]
Are you a Mindful Presenter? To be a really good presenter you don’t have to be a slick, memorised and polished speaker who is word perfect. Mindfulness is the key In this context, you’ll know if you are a Mindful Presenter if you have a high level of self-awareness. That entails having real insight and[…]
Presentation assassins come in all forms and every shape and size, they are everywhere. They look just like you and I but you’ll recognise them the moment they begin to present. Do whatever it takes to avoid them and make sure that whatever happens, you never become one. Public speaking and presenting isn’t particularly easy[…]
Presentation Nightmare Lessons from Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Nov 06, 2022
It recently occurred to me that many of the presentation nightmares professionals experience are akin to, ‘Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares.’ Despite not having a culinary bone in my body, I’ve recently taken a liking to Chef Ramsay. Perhaps, it’s because we have something in common. I’d like to think that I don’t have the same[…]
Is Liz Truss really such a terrible public speaker?
Communication Skills, General, Leadership, Public Speaking Oct 12, 2022
Is Liz Truss really such an awful public speaker. One publication has awarded her the title of, ‘The public’s Dalek.’ Another suggested, ‘she lacked passion and empathy.’ In terms of content, another believes that, ‘The speech was not even particularly well-written.’ Rachel Moss, writes in the Huffington Post, ‘The slow blinking, mistimed pauses, vacant smile[…]
10 Common Public Speaking Myths We Need To Dispel Immediately
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Sep 24, 2022
Don’t let the plethora of public speaking myths alarm you. Despite efforts to dispel them, the world is full of tales and illusions which have stood the test of time. Public speaking myths are no exception and continue to hurt presenters and audiences in businesses everywhere. It’s time to challenge those unhelpful public speaking myths[…]
King Charles III’s First Speech – One of Pain, Pride and Presence
Communication Skills, Leadership Sep 16, 2022
King Charles III’s first speech addressing the UK as sovereign, was one of great pain, pride and presence. One week ago today, King Charles III paid tribute to his late mother Queen Elizabeth II, who on her 21st Birthday in 1947, dedicated her life to the service of the Commonwealth. “I declare before you all[…]
5 Ways to Improve your Public Speaking Voice
Communication Skills, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Aug 08, 2022
How effective is your public speaking voice? ‘The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but it is the most difficult to play.’ Richard Strauss Despite the truth and elegance of this quote, I believe that the word ‘voice’ means a great deal more than the sound produced in a person’s larynx. The[…]
50 ways to annoy, bore or simply lose your presentation audience – Part 4
General, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jul 23, 2022
Whether you’re a seasoned or inspiring speaker, you will want to connect with your presentation audience. This series of articles focuses on the top 50 ways we believe that you can leave your audience feeling lost, confused or fatigued. Your presentation audience want you to succeed but not at the expense of their wellbeing. Their[…]