
Public Speaking category

woman public speaking with a microphone

Public speaking survey results – How people feel about public speaking and presenting How do you feel about public speaking and presenting? That’s one of the first question’s we ask all of our workshop and coaching clients. As you may imagine, the response is often very mixed. In fact, it felt so mixed that we[…]

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Audience looking bored

We’ve all sat through bad presentations at work. The question is, why are so many highly intelligent, creative and talented business professionals still delivering such bad presentations? What is a bad presentation? Before we consider why bad presentations are still so prevalent in the workplace today, it’s worth gaining some clarity on what these look[…]

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black woman leading from front

Many leaders would agree that one of the key elements of their organisation’s success, depends on their team’s public speaking skills. Whether it’s a business update, sales pitch or client meeting, your team’s public speaking skills and effectiveness can significantly influence the way both you and your business are perceived. That presents an interesting leadership[…]

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man holding smaller version of himself in his hand

The internet and book stores are overflowing with advice on how to achieve public speaking success. Know your audience Craft a clear message Prepare, practice, pause Make eye contact Keep it simple Watch your body language Use compelling visuals Open and close with impact Imagine your audience in their underwear (please don’t!) There are many,[…]

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man looking scared under bed sheet

It recently occurred to me that many of the presentation nightmares professionals experience are akin to, ‘Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares.’ Despite not having a culinary bone in my body, I’ve recently taken a liking to Chef Ramsay. Perhaps, it’s because we have something in common. I’d like to think that I don’t have the same[…]

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Liz Truss

Is Liz Truss really such an awful public speaker. One publication has awarded her the title of, ‘The public’s Dalek.’ Another suggested, ‘she lacked passion and empathy.’ In terms of content, another believes that, ‘The speech was not even particularly well-written.’ Rachel Moss, writes in the Huffington Post, ‘The slow blinking, mistimed pauses, vacant smile[…]

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girl with hands up looking angry

Whether you’re a seasoned or inspiring speaker, you will want to connect with your presentation audience. This series of articles focuses on the top 50 ways we believe that you can leave your audience feeling lost, confused or fatigued. Your presentation audience want you to succeed but not at the expense of their wellbeing. Their[…]

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man looking scared

  Stage fright in public speaking is real and universal. Knowing that throughout history, some of the world’s most famous people struggled with stage fright doesn’t help much. A partner or colleague telling you, ‘It’ll be fine’ or ‘You’ll be great, don’t worry’, doesn’t help much either. How about: ‘Imagine your audience naked’ ‘Picture your[…]

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interview presentation

High impact presenting and public speaking has a very clear blueprint. Anyone can present with varying levels of confidence, clarity and impact but high impact presenting is a skill. Very gifted and talented business professionals are still reading slides or notes to each other. That’s not presenting; it’s simply reading slides or notes, which anyone[…]

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woman giving virtual presentation

With so many people working from home all over the world we have all become used to the virtual presentation. Coaching and training professionals to craft and deliver a high impact virtual presentation is now an everyday experience. Virtual presenting has become a natural, simple and very powerful way to communicate. The world  has opened[…]

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woman presenting using screen

Public speaking mindfulness offer the key to success. Mindfulness is commonly associated with being reserved, contemplative and even a little meek. Public speaking and presenting is often perceived as a skill that only extroverts can excel at. Both perspectives are misplaced. Regardless of your personality, mindfulness can be extremely valuable in helping you to become[…]

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