Turning a presentation into a meaningful story is every presenter’s greatest challenge. Why is it important to tell a story? That’s how we live and how we learn We’ve been telling stories to each other since the beginning of time. There really is no more powerful a way of communicating and connecting with each[…]
Presentation Skills category
Turning a presentation into a story
Advice, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Mar 13, 2015
There are a number of mindful ways to start a presentation, ‘Research from Princeton and the University of Glasgow suggests that we judge a stranger in just half a second. As harsh as that may sound, there is clearly something in it Researcher Dr Phil McAlee ,suggests that our ability to make rapid judgments[…]
Planning what you’re going to say in a presentation
Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Mar 01, 2015
Planning what you’re going to say in a presentation is vitally important. In today’s fast paced and highly competitive age of information, often the first thing a presenter will do when asked to speak is fire up their laptop. The second step is often filling slides with everything they know and want to say on[…]
Great Presenting and Public Speaking: 12 Pillars for Success
Advice, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Feb 26, 2015
Is great presenting and public speaking a skill you aspire to develop in your profession? History has provided us with a very clear premise on which all great speakers have made their name. Modeling the elements of excellence that we have consistently witnessed is the surest way to great presenting and public speaking. There[…]
10 tips for presenting at work successfully
Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Feb 20, 2015
If presenting at work or speaking in public is a source of anxiety for you then you are not alone. For some, the anticipation of presenting at work is akin to the anxiety you feel just before calling your telecoms provider to tell them that your broadband doesn’t work. Something inside you tells you[…]
5 Tips to Transform Your Business Meetings
Communication Skills, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Feb 19, 2015
In today’s fast paced corporate environment, many business meetings can be complex and demanding decision making forums. If you spend time in business meetings today, you may have noticed a paradox. It’s likely that you will have to prepare exhaustively for every conceivable eventuality, whilst also being ready to improvise in a heartbeat when in[…]
How to make an impact in business presentations
Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Feb 08, 2015
The most powerful way to make a memorable impact in business presentations is to tell a story. Human beings have been telling tales from the first moment we developed the capacity to speak. In fact, we’ve been telling each other stories for thousands of years to help us to make sense of the world[…]
5 Presentation tips to connect with a tough audience
Advice, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Feb 05, 2015
Have you had to manage a tough audience in a business presentation? You may have considered them a tough audience because: – They have more experience than you do of the topic you are about to speak on – There are a number of dissenters in the room – Of a negative emotional charge in[…]
Presenting and public speaking inspiration from Hollywood
Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jan 22, 2015
Presenting and public speaking inspiration from Hollywood: Nine People Wounded in Tel Aviv Bus Attack, IS Demands $200m Ransom For Japan Hostages, Shanghai Officials Feasted As Stampede Killed 36, Charlie Hebdo attack: Three days of terror These are just some of the world news headlines as I write this article from my office in London[…]
9 Powerful Steps to Storytelling in Business – Brought to Life
Advice, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking, Storytelling Jan 11, 2015
Storytelling has enormous value for professionals and leaders in business presentations. ‘Never be boring again’, written by Doug Stevenson is a valuable guide to storytelling. It sets out in a very compelling way the most effective means of constructing stories to connect with your audience. Many speakers have heard the term, ‘The Hero’s Journey’; a[…]
Are you presenting soon? – 6 things your audience really need from you
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Dec 31, 2014
Your audience really need 6 things from you each time you present. In 1943, Abraham Maslow released a psychology paper called, ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’. The theory suggests we each live by 6 fundamental human needs. Physiological: what we need for survival Safety: what we need to feel safe and secure Love and belonging:[…]
If you want a happy audience, avoid these 7 mistakes
Advice, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Dec 14, 2014
If you want a happy audience it’s worth avoiding a number of key mistakes other presenters make. Your audience want you to help them. They want you to feel comfortable in their presence so that they may relax and feel the same. Avoid these 7 mistakes if you want a happy audience. 1. Lack of[…]
What type of public speaker or presenter are you really?
Advice, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Dec 08, 2014
What type of public speaker or presenter are you really? Do you know? If you’d like to learn more, take our FREE STYLE REVIEW but just before you do, here are a few thoughts to consider. To understand what type of public speaker you are requires insight into: – You own personality – How you[…]
How to tell a story to bring your presentation to life
Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Dec 05, 2014
Every great presentation is really a story. At the age of 60 Diana Nyad began open water training for a 60-hour, 103-mile (166 km) swim from Cuba to Florida,. This was a task she had failed to finish thirty years previously. After 29 hours in the water, strong currents and winds pushed her miles off[…]
Presenters – Grab it like you mean it: Your audience’s attention
Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Nov 20, 2014
All presenters and public speakers face the same challenge; getting and keeping their audience’s attention. Psychologists at Princeton University suggest that people make judgments about the attractiveness, likeability, trustworthiness, and competence of other people after looking at their faces for just 100 milliseconds. No wonder so many presenters are anxious about the idea of speaking in[…]
Emma Watson – Presentation nerves
Anxiety, nervous, Presentating training, Presentation Skills Oct 07, 2014
Emma Watson, the heroine of the Harry Potter series was appointed as a U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador earlier this year. She recently gave an impassioned speech on feminism and gender inequality at the U.N. headquarters in New York. When I first listened to her speech on YouTube I couldn’t help but be a little[…]
Barack Obama- Master of the Pause
Advice, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Sep 26, 2014
Barack Obama is arguably one of the best speakers in the world today. In my opinion he is unquestionably, the master of the pause. We saw this again this week in his address to the United Nations General Assembly Barack Obama outlined steps world leaders should take against violent extremists such as the Islamic[…]
Forget the Elevator Speech – Just Press the Button
Advice, Communication Skills, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Sep 15, 2014
I enjoy networking, although, I really don’t care too much for the elevator speech. ‘Good morning, my name is John and I’m a partner at ABC; solicitors, accountants, marketing, training, etc. We are based in Richmond, have been in business for thirty years . We not only give excellent customer service but we offer great[…]
The Real Source of Public Speaking Anxiety
Advice, Anxiety, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Sep 14, 2014
Public speaking anxiety is by far the greatest issue we are asked to help professionals with every week at Mindful Presenter. I often hear professional speakers and coaches claim that the reason they believe that people suffer from public speaking anxiety is because they have low self-esteem. Whilst that may be true for some, I[…]
Keynote by Tim Cook – Steve Jobs Would Be Proud
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Sep 09, 2014
Yesterday, Apple CEO Tim Cook unveiled the birth of the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus and the Apple Watch. His predecessor, the late Steve Jobs was long hailed as one of the best keynote speakers and presenters in the world. It could have been no easy feat to follow in the footsteps of such[…]
The mindful way to crafting and delivering a brilliant presentation
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Aug 17, 2014
Have you been on the recieving end of a brilliant presentation recently? Perphaps you’ve given one yourself. Either way, you’ll know that giving a brilliant presentation at work isn’t easy. It doesn’t involve reading slides, speaking in a monotone voice or dumping data on fellow professionals; that’s very easy to do! The reality is, no[…]
4 powerful ways to connect with your audience
Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills Aug 15, 2014
Do you connect with your audience? Are you entirely happy with your presentation skills? What about your colleagues; do they have the presentation skills needed to keep your attention, interest and curiosity? The next time you get to sit through a presentation, make it your business to have a good look around the audience[…]
‘Death by bullet point’- Is it really that bad?
Bullet Point, Communication Skills, PowerPoint, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Aug 14, 2014
‘Death by Bullet Point’ – What do you think, is it really that bad? If used correctly there’s nothing wrong with PowerPoint or most other visual aid software. It can be used to great effect to significantly enhance your message, make it more meaningful and of course memorable. I’ve seen PowerPoint and other visual aid[…]
Stop networking and start connecting – Why and how
Advice, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Aug 13, 2014
At Mindful Presenter the underlying sentiment that fuels our business and drives everyone who works here is our core belief and ethos that ‘Connecting is everything’; it’s on our website, business cards, and etched in hearts and minds too. When we’re not helping businesses connect with their people we are helping speakers and presenters from[…]
Just how effective are your presentation skills – have you asked?
Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Aug 06, 2014
Have you recieved feedback on your presentation skills? To be able to truly develop ourselves as public speakers, presenters and leaders the one thing we all need a great deal more of is feedback. 30 years ago, as a young manager, I thought I knew it all. I was climbing the corporate ladder faster[…]
The secret to overcoming nervous speaking and presenting
Anxiety, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Aug 05, 2014
If you feel nervous speaking in public or presenting at work, you’ll know it can be very unpleasant. Many of the symptoms of nervous speaking are very similar to other life experiences. Approaching a member of the opposite sex to ask them out on a date, going for a job interview and taking your[…]
You can be nervous and still give a great speech
Anxiety, Leadership, Mindfulness, nervous, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Aug 04, 2014
You really can be very nervous and still give a great speech. At Mindful Presenter we are at very successful at helping people to overcome their public speaking anxiety If you feel nervous at the thought of presenting or public speaking, you’re not alone In fact, you’re in very good company The history books are[…]
Do Presenters Need PowerPoint to Connect With an Audience?
Leadership, Mindfulness, PowerPoint, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Aug 03, 2014
Is PowerPoint the first thing you turn to when you are called on to present? Simon Sinek’s inspirational TED talk ‘How great leaders inspire action’,is a wonderful example of how effective public speakers and presenters can be without using PowerPoint. With almost 15 milion YouTube hits, it’s easy to see why Simon has been described[…]
The best presenters know how to breathe – they are mindful presenters
Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jul 31, 2014
The best presenters understand the power of their breath and know how to use it to their advantage when speaking. One of the very first things a good public speaking coaching session will teach if you suffer from public speaking anxiety is to breathe effectively. If anxiety or nerves isn’t an issue for you,[…]
Public speaking anxiety- It’s all in the mind…
Anxiety, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Jul 30, 2014
Google the search term ‘public speaking anxiety’ and you’ll be greeted by a torrent of articles. I came up with over 167million results Everything from: relax, prepare, practice and breathe; to imagining your audience naked. It’s all very sound advice, apart from the naked part! If you are one of the many people affected by[…]