
Communication Skills category

man presenting to audience using slides

In her TED Talk,  ‘10 ways to have a better conversation’ Celeste Headlee suggests that “Conversational competence might be the single most overlooked skill we fail to teach.” At Mindful Presenter  we share a similar view and have shared our belief that, ‘Without communication skills, the ability to progress in the working world and in[…]

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Medical professionals may be highly trained and qualified experts in their field but can often benefit from some important communication tips too. When a patient visits a medical professional in pain or distress, they want far more than information. They want empathy, compassion and understanding. As a public speaking coach, most of my time is[…]

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woman public speaking with a microphone

Public speaking survey results – How people feel about public speaking and presenting How do you feel about public speaking and presenting? That’s one of the first question’s we ask all of our workshop and coaching clients. As you may imagine, the response is often very mixed. In fact, it felt so mixed that we[…]

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Liz Truss

Is Liz Truss really such an awful public speaker. One publication has awarded her the title of, ‘The public’s Dalek.’ Another suggested, ‘she lacked passion and empathy.’ In terms of content, another believes that, ‘The speech was not even particularly well-written.’ Rachel Moss, writes in the Huffington Post, ‘The slow blinking, mistimed pauses, vacant smile[…]

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woman with eyes closed

  Mindful Presenting offers far more than the key to speaking with confidence, presence and impact. Comnunicating in a way which is clear, memorable and compelling is just the start. The original premise of mindful presenting was to equip professionals to connect with their audience emotionally as well as intellectually. The clarity of this intention[…]

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mindful selling 4D slide - Product knowledge, sales skills, mindset, impact

Mindful Selling isn’t a new age buzzword riding high on the back of mindfulness. Selling has changed more in the last ten years than it has in the past five decades. Advances in technology, competition, buying decisions, highly discerning and savvy purchasers present today’s sales person with a formidable challenge. Mindful selling is the route[…]

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woman with outstretched arm in sunset

  If one of your goals is to present with confidence, Mindful Presenter has the solution. Standing in front of colleagues or clients to speak can be a daunting experience. Public-speaking anxiety isn’t an affliction isolated to the meek or inexperienced. It has no respect for age, position or experience; it can trouble the best[…]

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Woman meditating at desk with two men standing over

Would you like to learn a few simple mindfulness presentation techniques? Mindfulness is a word that’s being used in just about every walk of life at the moment. Google, Apple, Nike and many of the world’s most successful brands have realised and harnessed the power of mindfulness. Even though it’s a way of living that’s[…]

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Boy dressed as superman

Are you a confident presenter? Confidence is often cited as one of the most critical factors affecting professionals when it comes to presenting and speaking in public. In fact, it’s one of the biggest hurdles we help people to jump every day at Mindful Presenter. Regardless of status, experience or knowldege, many professionals want to[…]

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Business colleagues clapping hands in learning seminar office classroom

Presentation tips are everywhere. Put those two words into Google as I did this morning and you will get 924M results. Tell stories Pause Make eye contact Slow down Know your audience Prepare ‘Cut the fat’ Smile Breathe Move Practice Start strong Close stronger Show passion Ditch the bullet points Following those 15 presentation tips[…]

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