As we are heading into a brand new year, we thought we’d take a few moments to share a few of our most popular public speaking bogs this year. Whether you’re just starting your public speaking journey, are a nervous speaker or simply want to catapult your career in 2025, there are some very helpful[…]
Communication Skills category
Rounding off 2024 with our most popular public speaking blogs this year
Communication Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Dec 31, 2024
‘10 ways to have a better conversation’ – Celeste Headlee
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Dec 09, 2024
In her TED Talk, ‘10 ways to have a better conversation’ Celeste Headlee suggests that “Conversational competence might be the single most overlooked skill we fail to teach.” At Mindful Presenter we share a similar view and have shared our belief that, ‘Without communication skills, the ability to progress in the working world and in[…]
7 Very Important Communication Tips For Medical Professionals
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jul 23, 2024
Medical professionals may be highly trained and qualified experts in their field but can often benefit from some important communication tips too. When a patient visits a medical professional in pain or distress, they want far more than information. They want empathy, compassion and understanding. As a public speaking coach, most of my time is[…]
Rishi Sunak’s impressive presentation delivery-what about his content?
Communication Skills, Leadership Oct 07, 2023
Rishi Sunak’s impressive presentation delivery at the Conservative party conference was a good example of how to speak with confidence and conviction. As far as public speaking and presentation skills are concerned he arguably ticked all of the boxes of an impressive presentation delivery. As the prime minister you would of course expect a high[…]
Public speaking survey results – How people feel about public speaking and presenting
Communication Skills, General, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking May 30, 2023
Public speaking survey results – How people feel about public speaking and presenting How do you feel about public speaking and presenting? That’s one of the first question’s we ask all of our workshop and coaching clients. As you may imagine, the response is often very mixed. In fact, it felt so mixed that we[…]
Have you ever listened to a recording or your own voice?
Communication Skills, General, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking May 25, 2023
When was the last time you listened to a recording of your own voice after giving a presentation? Presenting aside, have you ever listened to a recording of your own voice? If you have, how did it make you feel? If you were your audience, could you listen to you? Here at Mindful Presenter I[…]
10 simple ideas to create a strong communication culture
Communication Skills, Leadership Feb 26, 2023
Every leader understands and advocates the significance of a strong communication culture. Exceptional leaders understand that building an open, healthy and positive communication culture isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s critical. At Mindful Presenter, we have the good fortune of working with many of the world’s best loved brands. The savvy companies don’t[…]
The King’s Christmas Broadcast 2022 – A message of light
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills Dec 28, 2022
The King’s Christmas Broadcast 2022 was a message of light. “Everlasting light” “My mother’s belief in the power of that light” “To shine a light” “Shining a light” “As the Bible tells us, ‘The light that has come into the world’ was born.” “The power of light overcoming darkness.” “This life-giving light” “With all my[…]
Is Liz Truss really such a terrible public speaker?
Communication Skills, General, Leadership, Public Speaking Oct 12, 2022
Is Liz Truss really such an awful public speaker. One publication has awarded her the title of, ‘The public’s Dalek.’ Another suggested, ‘she lacked passion and empathy.’ In terms of content, another believes that, ‘The speech was not even particularly well-written.’ Rachel Moss, writes in the Huffington Post, ‘The slow blinking, mistimed pauses, vacant smile[…]
King Charles III’s First Speech – One of Pain, Pride and Presence
Communication Skills, Leadership Sep 16, 2022
King Charles III’s first speech addressing the UK as sovereign, was one of great pain, pride and presence. One week ago today, King Charles III paid tribute to his late mother Queen Elizabeth II, who on her 21st Birthday in 1947, dedicated her life to the service of the Commonwealth. “I declare before you all[…]
5 Ways to Improve your Public Speaking Voice
Communication Skills, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Aug 08, 2022
How effective is your public speaking voice? ‘The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but it is the most difficult to play.’ Richard Strauss Despite the truth and elegance of this quote, I believe that the word ‘voice’ means a great deal more than the sound produced in a person’s larynx. The[…]
The business presenters guide to great storytelling at work
Communication Skills, General, Leadership, Storytelling May 18, 2022
Great storytelling is one of the most powerful ways of communicating your message with impact in the workplace today. It’s not new, the Greek philosopher, Aristotle taught us about the value of great storytelling over 2000 years ago. Long before, PowerPoint and Prezi, storytelling has been the key to helping people enjoy, remember and[…]
7 Powerful Presentation Habits
Communication Skills, General, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Dec 28, 2021
Bad presentation habits are easy to find and hard to break. The good ones are available to us all and we don’t have to look too far to find them. Stephen R. Covey’s book, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ contains everything you need to know to achieve extraordinary results. It is a[…]
5 Reasons why mindful presenting offers benefits outside of the office too
Anxiety, Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills Jun 19, 2021
Mindful Presenting offers far more than the key to speaking with confidence, presence and impact. Comnunicating in a way which is clear, memorable and compelling is just the start. The original premise of mindful presenting was to equip professionals to connect with their audience emotionally as well as intellectually. The clarity of this intention[…]
President Joe Biden’s Inauguration Speech – Proof that words really do matter
Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindful Selling, Public Speaking Jan 22, 2021
Joe Biden made his inaugural address on Wednesday. It was an inspirational masterclass in the choice and use of words. I’m not a US citizen, I live in the UK. I’m not particularly interested in politics; I’m interested in people and progress. I have zero interest in division, I live in hope of unity wherever[…]
Three Christmas gifts from Mindful Presenter
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Dec 20, 2020
It’s nearly Christmas. It won’t be long now until you are spraying yourself with your new scent, trying on your swanky scarf, demolishing the turkey and sipping that Sauvignon. With that in mind, here are 3 christmas gifts from all of us here at Mindful Presenter. This time of year, as we head in to[…]
In Public Speaking The First Few Words Really Matter
Advice, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Nov 04, 2020
In the world of public speaking and presenting the first few words really do matter. One of the words I find very uncomfortable is, ‘hook’; as in ‘How to hook your audience in the first 30 seconds’. The term suggests to me that audiences are more like fish than intelligent, discerning and creative human beings.[…]
Annoying Features of the Mind; not just for presenters but all of us
Communication Skills, General, Leadership, Mindfulness Mar 29, 2020
What is the mind exactly? Is it your brain, your consciousness, the reality of your being, or is it indeterminable and unquantifiable? Many scientists insist on the mind being distinct from the brain yet still struggle to offer a meaningful separation. Despite that, it’s generally accepted that the mind is the seat of our thoughts,[…]
12 Mindful Selling attributes of top performing sales professionals
Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindful Selling, Mindfulness, Sales Skills Mar 19, 2020
Mindful Selling isn’t a new age buzzword riding high on the back of mindfulness. Selling has changed more in the last ten years than it has in the past five decades. Advances in technology, competition, buying decisions, highly discerning and savvy purchasers present today’s sales person with a formidable challenge. Mindful selling is the route[…]
20 Bad public speaking habits a Mindful Presenter avoids
Communication Skills, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Mar 16, 2020
Do you have any bad public speaking habits? Here are 20 bad public speaking habits a mindful presenter avoids at all costs Fire, aim, ready One of the worst bad public speaking habits any speaker can make is to not know their audience. Public speaking aside, every marketing expert will tell you that knowing your[…]
How to Present with Confidence – 3 steps to liberation
Anxiety, Communication Skills, General, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills Dec 29, 2019
If one of your goals is to present with confidence, Mindful Presenter has the solution. Standing in front of colleagues or clients to speak can be a daunting experience. Public-speaking anxiety isn’t an affliction isolated to the meek or inexperienced. It has no respect for age, position or experience; it can trouble the best[…]
5 Mindfulness presentation techniques to help you to present with confidence, clarity and impact
Communication Skills, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Nov 23, 2019
Would you like to learn a few simple mindfulness presentation techniques? Mindfulness is a word that’s being used in just about every walk of life at the moment. Google, Apple, Nike and many of the world’s most successful brands have realised and harnessed the power of mindfulness. Even though it’s a way of living that’s[…]
How to present to smart people -10 tips for presenters
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Sep 22, 2019
Do you find yourself being called on to present to smart people? I don’t mean people with an IQ of over 140, I mean the rest of us. The world is full of smart people. You can be certain that the next time you present they will be sitting right in front of you. They[…]
The Graduate’s Guide to Nailing That Interview Presentation
Anxiety, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jun 15, 2019
An interview presentation isn’t something that most of us look forward to giving. In fact, I don’t believe I know anyone who actually enjoys being interviewed. It won’t be long before universities up and down the entire country prepare to say congratulations and farewell to the class of that year. After years of intense study,[…]
Your audience are searching; the question is, do you know what for?
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking May 12, 2019
Everyone is searching for something, including your audience. If they came to listen to you by choice you can be certain that they are looking for something specific. Everyone and everything seem to be searching; let me explain. Sitting quietly in my own back garden this morning I noticed an ant a bee and a[…]
10 Tips for Presenting to Senior management
Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Apr 13, 2019
Presenting to senior management can feel like a challenge for many presenters in organisations today; even the most experienced. It’s one thing having to speak up in a team meeting to update your colleagues on a project you have been working on but having to convince or co-opt the executive is something else. We all[…]
7 Real Examples of How to Open a Presentation With Impact
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Feb 24, 2019
Do you know how to open a presentation with impact? The most common advice you will hear about opening a presentation is to grab the audience’s attention right from the start. Whilst that’s true, its not enough. At Mindful Presenter we often argue that you already have your audience’s attention, after all, they turned up[…]
10 Simple Tips On Presenting Complex Information
Advice, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Feb 21, 2019
Do you find yourself presenting complex information to people who don’t have the same level of knowledge or expertise as you do? Presenting complex information can be a significant challenge for even the most seasoned presenter. Regardless of the topic, all presenters share the common goal of ensuring that they keep their audience stimulated.[…]
Are you a confident presenter and public speaker? – these 6 tips will help you
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Feb 19, 2019
Are you a confident presenter? Confidence is often cited as one of the most critical factors affecting professionals when it comes to presenting and speaking in public. In fact, it’s one of the biggest hurdles we help people to jump every day at Mindful Presenter. Regardless of status, experience or knowldege, many professionals want to[…]
3 presentation tips you don’t often hear from the experts
Bullet Point, Communication Skills, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Feb 18, 2019
Presentation tips are everywhere. Put those two words into Google as I did this morning and you will get 924M results. Tell stories Pause Make eye contact Slow down Know your audience Prepare ‘Cut the fat’ Smile Breathe Move Practice Start strong Close stronger Show passion Ditch the bullet points Following those 15 presentation tips[…]