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Maurice Decastro

hand holding crystal ball

Presentation anxiety is probably the most written about issue when it comes to public speaking Storytelling, structure and style pale into insignificance compared to requests we receive to help professionals calm their presention anxiety and nerves. Despite the ubiquity of presentation anxiety, at Mindful Presenter we have noticed an interesting phenomenon. When we ask professionals[…]

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lady facing camera

This article shares 12 tips to help you to communicate effectively when presenting. Mindful presenting offers the pathway to the art of persuasion, influencing and human connection. It is the strategic key to communicating effectively and the route to high impact public speaking and presenting. The key to personal and professional contentment and success is[…]

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Public speaking takes courage. It is not a skill that most of us are taught. It’s certainly not something most people enjoy doing; for many the very idea of it fills them with dread. Public speaking takes courage in business too. You may have to: – Update the board or management team, – Give a[…]

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