A mindful presentation is one which has been carefully crafted to make a difference. With few exceptions, most aspects of life involve some form of presentation taking place. We are always trying to influence, persuade or convince others. At the very least we try to get them to see things from our perspective. From cradle[…]
Posts by:
Maurice Decastro
5 Steps to giving a mindful presentation that delivers results
General, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Aug 30, 2020
Is imposter syndrome affecting the way you present at work?
Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Aug 22, 2020
Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon that affects so many people in the workplace today. Some of the most highly respected, qualified people in their field, quietly feel like frauds at work. The only reason I know is because I’ve been one of them and have worked with people challenged by the issue every week. Even[…]
21 Powerful PowerPoint Tips you really need to know
Advice, PowerPoint, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Aug 18, 2020
These 21 Powerful PowerPoint tips will add enormous value to your presentation. Ten years ago it was estimated that there were more than 500 million users of PowerPoint globally. PowerPoint had an estimated, 95% share of the presentation software market. Around 30 million presentations were given every day using that software alone. It’s difficult[…]
How communication skills coaching will prepare you to lead in a post-coronavirus world
General Aug 11, 2020
Communication skills coaching will be even more important in a post-coronavirus business world; especially for leaders. The global business landscape has already seen significant change. When we emerge from the grip of the coronavirus pandemic, many of the changes we have begun to adapt to will be permanent. The ability to communicate effectively has always[…]
Annoying Features of the Mind; not just for presenters but all of us
Communication Skills, General, Leadership, Mindfulness Mar 29, 2020
What is the mind exactly? Is it your brain, your consciousness, the reality of your being, or is it indeterminable and unquantifiable? Many scientists insist on the mind being distinct from the brain yet still struggle to offer a meaningful separation. Despite that, it’s generally accepted that the mind is the seat of our thoughts,[…]
Public Speaking for Children – A message for teachers and parents
Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Mar 26, 2020
What do you think of public speaking for children? The benefits of learning to speak confidently in public at the youngest possible age can pay huge dividends. Lessons in public speaking for children can help young people: – Boost their personal confidence and self-esteem – Value their voice and express themselves openly, with greater ease[…]
12 Mindful Selling attributes of top performing sales professionals
Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindful Selling, Mindfulness, Sales Skills Mar 19, 2020
Mindful Selling isn’t a new age buzzword riding high on the back of mindfulness. Selling has changed more in the last ten years than it has in the past five decades. Advances in technology, competition, buying decisions, highly discerning and savvy purchasers present today’s sales person with a formidable challenge. Mindful selling is the route[…]
20 Bad public speaking habits a Mindful Presenter avoids
Communication Skills, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Mar 16, 2020
Do you have any bad public speaking habits? Here are 20 bad public speaking habits a mindful presenter avoids at all costs Fire, aim, ready One of the worst bad public speaking habits any speaker can make is to not know their audience. Public speaking aside, every marketing expert will tell you that knowing your[…]
Everyone wants presentation success. Every presentation is an opportunity to inspire people to act or at the very least think differently. Each presentation offers an opportunity to lead, improve lives and make organisations stronger. The fool proof route to presentation success is grounded in mindfulness. Mindful presenting incorporates: – A high level of consciousness, awareness[…]
The 6 Indisputable Laws of Mindful Presenting Success
General, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills Mar 05, 2020
Mindful presenting success is available to us all. It isn’t a new age fad. It’s not about ‘chilling out’, cushions or candles. It’s not even about meditation. Mindful presenting success is about awareness. It’s achieved through: – Challenging the status quo of long, boring, and forgettable business presentations. – Helping professionals to craft and deliver[…]
How to Present with Confidence – 3 steps to liberation
Anxiety, Communication Skills, General, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills Dec 29, 2019
If one of your goals is to present with confidence, Mindful Presenter has the solution. Standing in front of colleagues or clients to speak can be a daunting experience. Public-speaking anxiety isn’t an affliction isolated to the meek or inexperienced. It has no respect for age, position or experience; it can trouble the best[…]
5 Mindfulness presentation techniques to help you to present with confidence, clarity and impact
Communication Skills, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Nov 23, 2019
Would you like to learn a few simple mindfulness presentation techniques? Mindfulness is a word that’s being used in just about every walk of life at the moment. Google, Apple, Nike and many of the world’s most successful brands have realised and harnessed the power of mindfulness. Even though it’s a way of living that’s[…]
Two types of presenter – The autopilot majority v the mindful minority
Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Oct 07, 2019
Everyone is a presenter; the question is, what type of presenter are you? Every day, in organisations across the world, millions of people are presenting. They are called on to inform, update, inspire and lead colleagues and customers to think or act differently. Many don’t have the time, inclination or knowledge to present as effectively[…]
Are you a creative presenter? – 6 steps to becoming a one
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Sep 28, 2019
Are you a creative presenter? If you don’t believe you are, or that you have what it takes to present with impact, then this article is for you. There is a creative presenter inside each of us. At Mindful Presenter we believe that creativity is a gift we are all born with. We believe it[…]
How to present to smart people -10 tips for presenters
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Sep 22, 2019
Do you find yourself being called on to present to smart people? I don’t mean people with an IQ of over 140, I mean the rest of us. The world is full of smart people. You can be certain that the next time you present they will be sitting right in front of you. They[…]
The Presenting Challenge – How to inspire action and lead change
General, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Aug 31, 2019
The presenting challenge is real. Politicians still won’t answer a simple question directly. Many business presentations are still boring and virtual presenting hasn’t helped the phenomenon of ‘death by bullet point.’ With more and more of us stifling yawns on Zoom and sneaking a quick look at our emails and LinkedIn while being presented to,[…]
7 Habits of an Exceptional Presenter
Anxiety, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Aug 19, 2019
How can you become a great presenter? In the increasingly disruptive and unpredictable world of business, our minds are being challenged like never before. Always on technology, information overload and ever-increasing performance demands. These are just a few of the countless pressures confronting the human mind today. That’s just in the work place. We spend[…]
How to think like an effective presenter – 4 steps to set you on your path
Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Jun 16, 2019
The key to being a effective presenter is simple to understand but not so easy to use. The key is thought Before you dismiss the idea as obvious, please give it some thought. I believe it was the 1925 Nobel Prize winner George Bernard Shaw who once said: “Two percent of the people think; three[…]
The Graduate’s Guide to Nailing That Interview Presentation
Anxiety, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jun 15, 2019
An interview presentation isn’t something that most of us look forward to giving. In fact, I don’t believe I know anyone who actually enjoys being interviewed. It won’t be long before universities up and down the entire country prepare to say congratulations and farewell to the class of that year. After years of intense study,[…]
Your audience are searching; the question is, do you know what for?
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking May 12, 2019
Everyone is searching for something, including your audience. If they came to listen to you by choice you can be certain that they are looking for something specific. Everyone and everything seem to be searching; let me explain. Sitting quietly in my own back garden this morning I noticed an ant a bee and a[…]
Powerful Public Speaking Lessons: Inspired by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Advice, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Apr 18, 2019
Powerful public speaking lessons: Inspired by one of my favourite authors, speaker and teachers, the late Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Every day in businesses, conferences and seminars across the world, millions of presentations and public speeches are being delivered Each has its own intention. I believe that if you have a speech or presentation[…]
10 Tips for Presenting to Senior management
Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Apr 13, 2019
Presenting to senior management can feel like a challenge for many presenters in organisations today; even the most experienced. It’s one thing having to speak up in a team meeting to update your colleagues on a project you have been working on but having to convince or co-opt the executive is something else. We all[…]
How effective are your leadership habits? Mindful leadership is not only the key to success, it is critical to our well-being, happiness and peace of mind. Whether it’s you or I leading our own personal lives in this uncertain world or the CEO at the helm of the world’s largest business, leadership matters. In his[…]
The New World of Public Speaking & Presenting
Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Mar 03, 2019
Welcome to the new world of public speaking and presenting. Mindful presenting is the future of high impact communication and business presenting. Today, more than ever, we need to present our ideas with confidence, clarity, presence and impact. Every day, in businesses across the globe, people sit attentively in the hope that the speaker will[…]
Public Speaking & Presentation Tips from Nick Morgan
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Feb 28, 2019
If you’d like to significantly enhance your presentation skills, I have a few tips from Nick Morgan. There is no shortage of public speaking advice on the internet, in magazines and book stores today. In fact, I have written over 300 articles myself for mindfulpresenter.com and other online publications. I’d like to share some of[…]
High Impact Presenting Is Like Kissing With Confidence
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Feb 27, 2019
High impact presenting really is like kissing with confidence. Presenting our ideas at work is something more and more of us are called on to do every day. Some of us find it more challenging than others; especially if you are presenting for the first time. That moment stays with you forever, it’s like your[…]
When shouldn’t you listen to a presentation coach?
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Feb 25, 2019
A really good presentation coach can make an enormous difference to anyone looking to connect with their audience. At Mindful Presenter our presentation skills and public speaking coaches know exactly how to help you to get the results you need through the way you present your ideas. You’ll often here a tradional presentation coach insist that[…]
7 Real Examples of How to Open a Presentation With Impact
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Feb 24, 2019
Do you know how to open a presentation with impact? The most common advice you will hear about opening a presentation is to grab the audience’s attention right from the start. Whilst that’s true, its not enough. At Mindful Presenter we often argue that you already have your audience’s attention, after all, they turned up[…]
3 Presentation Tips to Help You to Stand Out From The Crowd
Advice, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Feb 22, 2019
Presentation tips are abound on the internet today. If you’re looking for some and put those two words into Google search you will be greeted with 1,160,000,000 results. The internet and book stores are teeming with presentation tips, tools, techniques and valuable advice. Each time I introduce myself as a presentation skills coach I can[…]