When it comes to public speaking and presenting, what you say and the way you say it matters a great deal but both can be ruined with bad presentation slides. It takes time to craft a high impact presentation that is memorable and delivers results. Some of the key elements involved include: – Knowing our[…]
Presentating training category
How bad presentation slides can ruin your entire presentation
PowerPoint, Presentating training, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Feb 16, 2025
20 Bad public speaking habits to avoid in 2025
General, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jan 01, 2025
Here are our top 20 bad public speaking habits to avoid in 2025. Read the full blog here: 20 Bad public speaking habits a Mindful Presenter avoids If you have a few bad public speaking habits and need a little help: – Book yourself onto a powerful public speaking course. – Invest in some really good[…]
Watch our for the ‘corporate robot’ speak when presenting
Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Storytelling Dec 06, 2024
The term ‘corporate robot’ sounds a little coarse doesn’t it? Metaphorically speaking, they do exist I’m afraid. Lawrence Bernstein presents the challenge in his Ted Talk, ‘The trick to powerful public speaking.’ At Mindful Presenter we meet at least one ‘corporate robot’ in each of our presentation training workshops. It’s a public speaking phenomenon You’ve[…]
7 Steps to Tap In To Your Presentation Genius
Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Feb 23, 2024
Here at Mindful Presenter we believe that everyone has a secret presentation genius inside of them waiting to be unleashed. If you have a fear of public speaking and presenting it’s unlikely that you will share our view at the moment but please stay with me for a while. You may be one of the[…]
7 Ways great leaders develop their team’s public speaking skills
Leadership, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jan 28, 2023
Many leaders would agree that one of the key elements of their organisation’s success, depends on their team’s public speaking skills. Whether it’s a business update, sales pitch or client meeting, your team’s public speaking skills and effectiveness can significantly influence the way both you and your business are perceived. That presents an interesting leadership[…]
Self-compassion opens the door to public speaking success
Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jan 08, 2023
The internet and book stores are overflowing with advice on how to achieve public speaking success. Know your audience Craft a clear message Prepare, practice, pause Make eye contact Keep it simple Watch your body language Use compelling visuals Open and close with impact Imagine your audience in their underwear (please don’t!) There are many,[…]
50 ways to annoy, bore or simply lose your presentation audience – Part 3
Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jul 16, 2022
How many times have you been part of a presentation audience and ‘switched off’ within the first five minutes? Your body may still be in the room but your mind has taken a sabbatical. Perhaps you’re not the only one in the presentation audience who has decided this may be the perfect time to check your[…]
50 ways to annoy, bore or simply lose your presentation audience – Part 2
General, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Jul 10, 2022
A presentation audience doesn’t want or expect a perfection presentation. They don’t want to see a slick, memorised, polished presenter, ‘perform’. The best presenters are mindful of their presentation audience wanting to connect with and relate to them emotionally as well as intellectually. Presentation audiences want to learn something new. They want our passion, insight[…]
50 ways to annoy, bore or simply lose your presentation audience – Part 1
Bullet Point, General, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Jul 03, 2022
Most of us have been part of a presentation audience. Every presenter’s job is to capture and keep their audience’s attention, interest, and curiosity. The mediocre presenter believes that their role is to simply inform and engage their audience. That is a healthy starting point but on its own, it’s not enough. Your presentation audience[…]
5 powerful presentation lessons from mother
Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips May 21, 2022
Presentation lessons are easy to find. Enter the term presentation lessons into Google and you will be greeted with 3,030,000,000 results. If you’re not too keen on searching, presentation lessons abound on TED. YouTube is a good place to start too. There are hundreds of extremely helpful articles on our blog page. Alternatively, you could[…]
The problem with filler words when presenting and how to control your use of them
General, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips May 20, 2022
Filler words are highly recognisable. In presenting and public speaking they come in the form of: Er Um You know Obviously Like Uh Actually Okay So Basically Filler words when used sparingly are not a problem. When they are used repeatedly to the point of distraction they are harmful. Over use of these words can[…]
20 Simple Tips For Making Your Virtual Meetings Work
Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Virtual Presentations Nov 21, 2021
Virtual meetings are here to stay. The technology to hold virtual meetings has been around for a long time. If you compare the last 18 months to the previous decade, the increase is phenomenal. The pandemic triggered an instant shift to remote working. Overnight, businesses all over the world were compelled to switch to something[…]
What does a public speaking coach actually do?
General, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Nov 13, 2021
You may be wondering what a public speaking coach is, before asking what they do. Contrary to popular belief, public speaking isn’t restricted to wedding and key note speeches. It’s also not just something politicians do. Imagine the following situations at work: – You have to update or brief your team regularly. – Your[…]
Good Presentation Skills – 5 things your audience want from you
Advice, Presentating training, Presentation Skills Jul 04, 2017
Good presentation skills aren’t reserved exclusively as a competence for the annual performance review of the head of department or communication manager. It’s also not an activity isolated to the board or meeting room; it’s fundamental to the personal and professional success of each of us. Whatever you do you can be certain that[…]
5 Important Presentation Lessons from the World of Social Media
Advice, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Dec 16, 2016
There are 5 very important presentation lessons we can learn from the world of social media. 1. Facebook first That’s exactly what many people would rather be doing whilst they are listening to a presentation. After all, so many business presentations can be quite tedious to listen to. Have you ever felt that urge to[…]
9 Great Presentation Tips to Influence Any Audience
Advice, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Mar 19, 2016
Life is full of great presentation tips. As a child my parents invested enormous energy trying hard to influence so much of my behaviour. At school, it seemed my teachers roles extended way beyond my academic development. They also had a plan to influence my thoughts and behaviour. Even my friends seemed to have their[…]
Great Presenting and Public Speaking: 12 Pillars for Success
Advice, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Feb 26, 2015
Is great presenting and public speaking a skill you aspire to develop in your profession? History has provided us with a very clear premise on which all great speakers have made their name. Modeling the elements of excellence that we have consistently witnessed is the surest way to great presenting and public speaking. There[…]
5 Presentation tips to connect with a tough audience
Advice, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Feb 05, 2015
Have you had to manage a tough audience in a business presentation? You may have considered them a tough audience because: – They have more experience than you do of the topic you are about to speak on – There are a number of dissenters in the room – Of a negative emotional charge in[…]
What type of public speaker or presenter are you really?
Advice, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Dec 08, 2014
What type of public speaker or presenter are you really? Do you know? If you’d like to learn more, take our FREE STYLE REVIEW but just before you do, here are a few thoughts to consider. To understand what type of public speaker you are requires insight into: – You own personality – How you[…]
Watch out for the quiet ones – Presenting the introvert
Advice, nervous, Presentating training Nov 26, 2014
Is it possible that a self-confessed introvert could find the courage to speak for a whole 18 minutes on the highly prestigious platform of TED. That very same speech has been viewed over 14 million times on TED and over 3 million on YouTube? Susan Cain did exactly that She walked onto the coveted stage[…]
Emma Watson – Presentation nerves
Anxiety, nervous, Presentating training, Presentation Skills Oct 07, 2014
Emma Watson, the heroine of the Harry Potter series was appointed as a U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador earlier this year. She recently gave an impassioned speech on feminism and gender inequality at the U.N. headquarters in New York. When I first listened to her speech on YouTube I couldn’t help but be a little[…]
The Real Source of Public Speaking Anxiety
Advice, Anxiety, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Sep 14, 2014
Public speaking anxiety is by far the greatest issue we are asked to help professionals with every week at Mindful Presenter. I often hear professional speakers and coaches claim that the reason they believe that people suffer from public speaking anxiety is because they have low self-esteem. Whilst that may be true for some, I[…]
How to own the stage – Lessons from a 10 year old
Advice, Presentating training, Public Speaking Jul 29, 2014
Dalton Sherman is a shining example of how to own the stage. Perhaps he’s had a little presention training. It’s worth seeing exactly how he connects with and inspires an audience with charm, authenticity and a real message. This is a perfect example of how to own the stage A young man of this[…]
Presentation training – 4 questions your audience have for you before you utter a word
Leadership, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Jul 27, 2014
Presentation training isn’t simply about sharing knowledge, information and insights. It’s ultimately about helping you to connect with your audience. The next time you are called on to give a presentation, you can be certain that sitting before you will be a very diverse group of people. – Some won’t want to be there[…]