How many times have you been part of a presentation audience and ‘switched off’ within the first five minutes? Your body may still be in the room but your mind has taken a sabbatical. Perhaps you’re not the only one in the presentation audience who has decided this may be the perfect time to check your[…]
Posts by:
Maurice Decastro
50 ways to annoy, bore or simply lose your presentation audience – Part 3
Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jul 16, 2022
50 ways to annoy, bore or simply lose your presentation audience – Part 2
General, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Jul 10, 2022
A presentation audience doesn’t want or expect a perfection presentation. They don’t want to see a slick, memorised, polished presenter, ‘perform’. The best presenters are mindful of their presentation audience wanting to connect with and relate to them emotionally as well as intellectually. Presentation audiences want to learn something new. They want our passion, insight[…]
50 ways to annoy, bore or simply lose your presentation audience – Part 1
Bullet Point, General, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips Jul 03, 2022
Most of us have been part of a presentation audience. Every presenter’s job is to capture and keep their audience’s attention, interest, and curiosity. The mediocre presenter believes that their role is to simply inform and engage their audience. That is a healthy starting point but on its own, it’s not enough. Your presentation audience[…]
5 powerful presentation lessons from mother
Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips May 21, 2022
Presentation lessons are easy to find. Enter the term presentation lessons into Google and you will be greeted with 3,030,000,000 results. If you’re not too keen on searching, presentation lessons abound on TED. YouTube is a good place to start too. There are hundreds of extremely helpful articles on our blog page. Alternatively, you could[…]
The problem with filler words when presenting and how to control your use of them
General, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips May 20, 2022
Filler words are highly recognisable. In presenting and public speaking they come in the form of: Er Um You know Obviously Like Uh Actually Okay So Basically Filler words when used sparingly are not a problem. When they are used repeatedly to the point of distraction they are harmful. Over use of these words can[…]
The business presenters guide to great storytelling at work
Communication Skills, General, Leadership, Storytelling May 18, 2022
Great storytelling is one of the most powerful ways of communicating your message with impact in the workplace today. It’s not new, the Greek philosopher, Aristotle taught us about the value of great storytelling over 2000 years ago. Long before, PowerPoint and Prezi, storytelling has been the key to helping people enjoy, remember and[…]
The Art of Compression in Business Presentations
General, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking May 11, 2022
As a presentation skills coach I’ve long held the belief that most business presentations are far too long. In fact, I wrote an article about it 7 years ago. Sadly, not a great deal has changed in that time. Many business presentations remain far too long. Under closer scrutiny some are even unnecessary and could[…]
7 Powerful Presentation Habits
Communication Skills, General, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Dec 28, 2021
Bad presentation habits are easy to find and hard to break. The good ones are available to us all and we don’t have to look too far to find them. Stephen R. Covey’s book, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ contains everything you need to know to achieve extraordinary results. It is a[…]
The Truth About Stage Fright in Public Speaking
Anxiety, Mindfulness, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Dec 13, 2021
Stage fright in public speaking is real and universal. Knowing that throughout history, some of the world’s most famous people struggled with stage fright doesn’t help much. A partner or colleague telling you, ‘It’ll be fine’ or ‘You’ll be great, don’t worry’, doesn’t help much either. How about: ‘Imagine your audience naked’ ‘Picture your[…]
20 Simple Tips For Making Your Virtual Meetings Work
Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Virtual Presentations Nov 21, 2021
Virtual meetings are here to stay. The technology to hold virtual meetings has been around for a long time. If you compare the last 18 months to the previous decade, the increase is phenomenal. The pandemic triggered an instant shift to remote working. Overnight, businesses all over the world were compelled to switch to something[…]
What does a public speaking coach actually do?
General, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Nov 13, 2021
You may be wondering what a public speaking coach is, before asking what they do. Contrary to popular belief, public speaking isn’t restricted to wedding and key note speeches. It’s also not just something politicians do. Imagine the following situations at work: – You have to update or brief your team regularly. – Your[…]
The presentation slide deck challenge and the mindful solution
General, PowerPoint, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Oct 30, 2021
The slide deck challenge is a universal and significant one. Many business presentations today are supported by visuals. Once upon a time, PowerPoint was the default choice to create a slide deck. Today, the choice of software is extensive. Presenters no longer have to turn to PowerPoint to craft a helpful slide deck. Options such[…]
10 Tips for presenting with impact to an international audience
Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Sep 26, 2021
Mindful Presenter has always had an international audience. The global pandemic has however, extended our reach in public speaking and presentation skills training beyond imagination. Less that 2 years ago we were a London, UK, based business with an international audience. Today we are a global virtual business helping professionals all over the world every[…]
The beginners guide to high impact presenting – 4 top tips
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Aug 07, 2021
High impact presenting and public speaking has a very clear blueprint. Anyone can present with varying levels of confidence, clarity and impact but high impact presenting is a skill. Very gifted and talented business professionals are still reading slides or notes to each other. That’s not presenting; it’s simply reading slides or notes, which anyone[…]
5 Reasons why mindful presenting offers benefits outside of the office too
Anxiety, Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills Jun 19, 2021
Mindful Presenting offers far more than the key to speaking with confidence, presence and impact. Comnunicating in a way which is clear, memorable and compelling is just the start. The original premise of mindful presenting was to equip professionals to connect with their audience emotionally as well as intellectually. The clarity of this intention[…]
7 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
Anxiety, nervous, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips May 23, 2021
The fear of public speaking is as ubiquitous as it is paralysing for many people in the workplace today. Are you one of the millions of people who feel nervous or uncomfortable about public speaking? Mindful Presenter has spent over a decade helping professionals all over the world to manage and overcome their fear[…]
10 Reasons to Join Our Free Public Speaking Masterclass
Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Mar 26, 2021
Mindful Presenter is hosting a free, 90-minute, high impact, public speaking masterclass and presentation skills webinar. Public speaking and presenting are a challenge for a great number of people. Regardless of age, knowledge, position or even experience it’s a skill many people still struggle with. There are of course people who are not only very[…]
Your virtual presentation greatness guide – 32 High Impact Tips
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking, virtual presentation Mar 07, 2021
With so many people working from home all over the world we have all become used to the virtual presentation. Coaching and training professionals to craft and deliver a high impact virtual presentation is now an everyday experience. Virtual presenting has become a natural, simple and very powerful way to communicate. The world has opened[…]
Public Speaking Mindfulness : How Mindfulness Can Help
Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jan 30, 2021
Public speaking mindfulness offer the key to success. Mindfulness is commonly associated with being reserved, contemplative and even a little meek. Public speaking and presenting is often perceived as a skill that only extroverts can excel at. Both perspectives are misplaced. Regardless of your personality, mindfulness can be extremely valuable in helping you to become[…]
President Joe Biden’s Inauguration Speech – Proof that words really do matter
Communication Skills, Leadership, Mindful Selling, Public Speaking Jan 22, 2021
Joe Biden made his inaugural address on Wednesday. It was an inspirational masterclass in the choice and use of words. I’m not a US citizen, I live in the UK. I’m not particularly interested in politics; I’m interested in people and progress. I have zero interest in division, I live in hope of unity wherever[…]
2021 – The Year of High Impact Public Speaking & Presenting – Part 4
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jan 03, 2021
The key to high impact public speaking and presenting is contained in a number of timeless, real and very powerful truths. We call it mindful presenting. 2020 was a challenging, exhausting and troublesome year for all of us. The team at Mindful Presenter would like to help you take your public speaking and presentation skills[…]
2021 The Year of High Impact Public Speaking & Presenting – Part 3
General, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Dec 30, 2020
The key to high impact public speaking and presenting is contained in a number of timeless, real and very powerful truths. We call it mindful presenting 2020 has been a challenging, exhausting and troublesome year for all of us. The team at Mindful Presenter would like to help you take your public speaking and presentation[…]
2021 The Year of High Impact Public Speaking & Presenting – Part 2
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Dec 29, 2020
The key to high impact public speaking and presenting is contained in a number of timeless, real and very powerful truths. A good public speaking coach will share these with you. We call it mindful presenting. 2020 has been a challenging, exhausting and troublesome year for all of us. The team at Mindful Presenter would[…]
2021 – The Year of High Impact Public Speaking & Presenting – Part 1
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Dec 28, 2020
Good public speaking skills start with mindful preparation. The key to high impact public speaking and presenting is contained in a number of timeless, real and very powerful truths. We call it mindful presenting. 2020 has been a challenging, exhausting and troublesome year for all of us. The team at Mindful Presenter would like to[…]
Three Christmas gifts from Mindful Presenter
Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Dec 20, 2020
It’s nearly Christmas. It won’t be long now until you are spraying yourself with your new scent, trying on your swanky scarf, demolishing the turkey and sipping that Sauvignon. With that in mind, here are 3 christmas gifts from all of us here at Mindful Presenter. This time of year, as we head in to[…]
Virtual presenting is here to stay – everything you need to know to make it work
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking, Virtual Presentations Nov 14, 2020
Virtual presenting has become an everyday feature of business. Since Covid-19, it’s become the mainstay of business communication and it’s here to stay. Many professionals find the very thought of virtual presenting unsettling. It’s not too difficult to understand why that is. In the good old days of presenting in person, many presenters struggled[…]
In Public Speaking The First Few Words Really Matter
Advice, Communication Skills, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Nov 04, 2020
In the world of public speaking and presenting the first few words really do matter. One of the words I find very uncomfortable is, ‘hook’; as in ‘How to hook your audience in the first 30 seconds’. The term suggests to me that audiences are more like fish than intelligent, discerning and creative human beings.[…]
8 Principles of Mindful Presenting & Public Speaking
Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Oct 27, 2020
There are 8 powerful principles of mindful presenting and public speaking. The fear of public speaking and presenting has afflicted people all over the world for centuries. It remains a very real and troublesome issue still today; the solution is mindful presenting. The ability to speak with confidence, clarity and presence is essential to our[…]
How many chances do you get to make a first impression?
Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Oct 22, 2020
How many chances do you get to make a first impression? All presenters and public speakers face the same Universal challenge; getting and keeping their audience’s undivided attention. Psychologists at Princeton University suggest that people make judgments about others super speedily. Likeability, trustworthiness, and competence of other people are often judged after just 100 milliseconds.[…]
Virtual Presentations – 5 Tips Every Presenter Needs Right Now
General, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Virtual Presentations Oct 04, 2020
Virtual presentations should be considered and crafted with the same level of mindfulness as in-person presentations. COVID-19 has changed the way we communicate with each other in business. Virtual presentations, virtual meetings and even virtual conferences have become the norm. Post pandemic, we are still highly likely to be living in a world of[…]