You really can be very nervous and still give a great speech. At Mindful Presenter we are at very successful at helping people to overcome their public speaking anxiety If you feel nervous at the thought of presenting or public speaking, you’re not alone In fact, you’re in very good company The history books are[…]
Posts by:
Maurice Decastro
You can be nervous and still give a great speech
Anxiety, Leadership, Mindfulness, nervous, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Aug 04, 2014
Do Presenters Need PowerPoint to Connect With an Audience?
Leadership, Mindfulness, PowerPoint, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Aug 03, 2014
Is PowerPoint the first thing you turn to when you are called on to present? Simon Sinek’s inspirational TED talk ‘How great leaders inspire action’,is a wonderful example of how effective public speakers and presenters can be without using PowerPoint. With almost 15 milion YouTube hits, it’s easy to see why Simon has been described[…]
The best presenters know how to breathe – they are mindful presenters
Leadership, Mindfulness, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jul 31, 2014
The best presenters understand the power of their breath and know how to use it to their advantage when speaking. One of the very first things a good public speaking coaching session will teach if you suffer from public speaking anxiety is to breathe effectively. If anxiety or nerves isn’t an issue for you,[…]
Public speaking anxiety- It’s all in the mind…
Anxiety, Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Jul 30, 2014
Google the search term ‘public speaking anxiety’ and you’ll be greeted by a torrent of articles. I came up with over 167million results Everything from: relax, prepare, practice and breathe; to imagining your audience naked. It’s all very sound advice, apart from the naked part! If you are one of the many people affected by[…]
How to own the stage – Lessons from a 10 year old
Advice, Presentating training, Public Speaking Jul 29, 2014
Dalton Sherman is a shining example of how to own the stage. Perhaps he’s had a little presention training. It’s worth seeing exactly how he connects with and inspires an audience with charm, authenticity and a real message. This is a perfect example of how to own the stage A young man of this[…]
Presentation training – 4 questions your audience have for you before you utter a word
Leadership, Presentating training, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Jul 27, 2014
Presentation training isn’t simply about sharing knowledge, information and insights. It’s ultimately about helping you to connect with your audience. The next time you are called on to give a presentation, you can be certain that sitting before you will be a very diverse group of people. – Some won’t want to be there[…]
The ‘M’ Point of Mindful Presenting & Public Speaking
Leadership, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking Jul 24, 2014
The key to mindful presenting is having clarity of your ‘M’ POINT? The distinction between mediocre and mindful presenting is real and highly visible. For the mediocre presenter, years of unconscious programming can lead to mechanical reactions. In other words, a presentation based on ‘information overolad’. Presenting everything you know and want to say on[…]
The best way to connect with your audience give them SPACE In our training workshops, we are often asked to help people be like other presenters they’ve seen, heard and admire. Our response is always the same; you don’t have to be like someone else to become a great presenter. The best presenters are[…]