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Maurice Decastro

Medical professionals may be highly trained and qualified experts in their field but can often benefit from some important communication tips too. When a patient visits a medical professional in pain or distress, they want far more than information. They want empathy, compassion and understanding. As a public speaking coach, most of my time is[…]

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Book shelf filled with books

If you’re interested in developing your communication skills, you’ll notice that public speaking wisdom isn’t isolated to the experts and content focused on the topic. Public speaking wisdom is everywhere. Here are 10 examples from some of my favourite non-public speaking books I’ve read this year. ‘A simple way to make a good first impression[…]

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man showing data on a laptop

In a business world challenged with cognitive overload, it’s time to present ideas, insights and imagination; not just information. Data and information are extremely important. In fact, they are vital components of leading a successful business. That said, we have evolved in a business world where much of the information we need or choose to[…]

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woman public speaking with a microphone

Public speaking survey results – How people feel about public speaking and presenting How do you feel about public speaking and presenting? That’s one of the first question’s we ask all of our workshop and coaching clients. As you may imagine, the response is often very mixed. In fact, it felt so mixed that we[…]

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Audience looking bored

We’ve all sat through bad presentations at work. The question is, why are so many highly intelligent, creative and talented business professionals still delivering such bad presentations? What is a bad presentation? Before we consider why bad presentations are still so prevalent in the workplace today, it’s worth gaining some clarity on what these look[…]

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