The 4 Fundamentals of Public Speaking


woman presenting online

The fundamentals of public speaking is a skill that some professionals find challenging to master.

The people who understand and apply the fundamentals of public speaking tend to have a greater impact.

Public speaking is a learned skill; it’s  not simply a gift a few people are born with.

The fundamentals of public speaking

1. The mind

Each time we stand to speak and present, we are connecting our mind to the minds of our audience.

This awareness extends allow us to craft a presentation which our audience can connect with emotionally as well as intellectually.

We all understand the basic premise that it’s our thoughts which drive our feelings, which influence our actions.

If we are to stand any chance of influencing the minds of others, we have to understand and manage our own minds first.

2. ‘Auto-pilot’

It’s extremely difficult to make a connection with our audience if our mind is on ‘auto-pilot’. In other words,  if we mindlessly do what we always do, we are unlikely to make that connection.

‘Auto-pilot’  is a human condition which extends itself way beyond the way in which we communicate with each other. In fact, it insidiously permeates so many areas of our personal lives as well.

It’s something I experienced myself and wrote about a few years ago in my book, ‘Hamster to Harmony’.

Most professionals have already mastered the ability to deliver the facts when presenting:

These have become our, ‘Auto-pilot’

To bring the facts to life we need to step out of our comfort zones and:

Tell stories

Use metaphors and anecdotes

Ask thought provoking questions

Create suspense

Shock them

Use humour

Surprise them

3. The value

Far too many business presentations are boring.

I’m generalising of course.

The third fundamental of public speaking is crafting a presentation that delivers tangible value to our audience.

Everything we say, must be relevant to them with the intention of making a difference to either their professional or personal lives.

If it won’t make a difference and it’s purely an information sharing exercise, send them an email instead.

4.  ‘Head-stuff’

‘What is they ask me a question I don’t know the answer to?

‘Will they like me?’

‘What if they don’t agree with me’

‘What if I forget my words and freeze’

These are just 4 examples of some of the incessant ‘noise’ many presenters hear in their minds

The solution

Focus completely on your audience, not yourself.

Losing the ‘head-stuff’ is by far most presenters greatest challenge.

Believing that we really do have something to say that will help others is a great comfort to the mind.

Rather than focusing on the negative thoughts turn your attention to the idea that you have something to say which will help your audience.

If you would like to learn more about the fundamentals of public speaking:

– Get yourself some mindful presentation skills training.

– Book yourself onto a powerful public speaking course.

– Invest in some good one to one public speaking coaching.

 Image: Courtesy of



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