
Presentation Tips category

man yawning

Most of us have been part of a presentation audience. Every presenter’s job is to capture and keep their audience’s attention, interest, and curiosity. The mediocre presenter believes that their role is to simply inform and engage their audience. That is a healthy starting point but on its own, it’s not enough. Your presentation audience[…]

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man looking scared

  Stage fright in public speaking is real and universal. Knowing that throughout history, some of the world’s most famous people struggled with stage fright doesn’t help much. A partner or colleague telling you, ‘It’ll be fine’ or ‘You’ll be great, don’t worry’, doesn’t help much either. How about: ‘Imagine your audience naked’ ‘Picture your[…]

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woman giving virtual presentation

With so many people working from home all over the world we have all become used to the virtual presentation. Coaching and training professionals to craft and deliver a high impact virtual presentation is now an everyday experience. Virtual presenting has become a natural, simple and very powerful way to communicate. The world  has opened[…]

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man looking at laptop

  Virtual presenting has become an everyday feature of business. Since Covid-19, it’s become the mainstay of business communication and it’s here to stay. Many professionals find the very thought of virtual presenting unsettling. It’s not too difficult to understand why that is. In the good old days of presenting in person, many presenters struggled[…]

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man presenting on line with two laptops

  Virtual presentations should be considered and crafted with the same level of mindfulness as in-person presentations. COVID-19 has changed the way we communicate with each other in business. Virtual presentations, virtual meetings and even virtual conferences have become the norm. Post pandemic, we are still highly likely to be living in a world of[…]

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woman using laptop presenting slides

  These 21 Powerful PowerPoint tips will add enormous value to your presentation. Ten years ago it was estimated that there were more than 500 million users of PowerPoint globally. PowerPoint had an estimated, 95% share of the presentation software market. Around 30 million presentations were given every day using that software alone. It’s difficult[…]

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Woman meditating at desk with two men standing over

Would you like to learn a few simple mindfulness presentation techniques? Mindfulness is a word that’s being used in just about every walk of life at the moment. Google, Apple, Nike and many of the world’s most successful brands have realised and harnessed the power of mindfulness. Even though it’s a way of living that’s[…]

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presenter-blackboard with 80 20 written in chalk

Everyone is a presenter; the question is, what type of presenter are you? Every day, in organisations across the world, millions of people are presenting. They are called on to inform, update, inspire and lead colleagues and customers to think or act differently. Many don’t have the time, inclination or knowledge to present as effectively[…]

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woman presenting data virtually

The presenting challenge is real. Politicians still won’t answer a simple question directly. Many business presentations are still boring and virtual presenting hasn’t helped the phenomenon of ‘death by bullet point.’ With more and more of us stifling yawns on Zoom and sneaking  a quick look at our emails and LinkedIn while being presented to,[…]

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Wayne Dyer being interviewed

  Powerful public speaking lessons: Inspired by one of my favourite authors, speaker and teachers, the late Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Every day in businesses, conferences and seminars across the world, millions of presentations and public speeches are being delivered Each has its own intention. I believe that if you have a speech or presentation[…]

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