3 Presentation Tips to Help You to Stand Out From The Crowd

presenter point at audience member with hand up

Presentation tips are abound on the internet today.

If you’re looking for some and put those two words into Google search you will be greeted with 1,160,000,000 results.

The internet and book stores are teeming with presentation tips, tools, techniques and valuable advice.

Each time I introduce myself as a presentation skills coach I can be confident that I’m likely to be asked two questions:

– Isn’t it true that great speakers are just born with the ability to captivate an audience?

– What are your top 3 presentation tips?

Let me tell you my response to the first question

How many astronauts, surgeons, nuclear physicists, athletes or brilliant actors were born that way?

Without exception everyone has to learn their craft and it takes time, commitment and an overriding belief that it’s possible.

In short, I believe that just like any other skill, being able to present with confidence and connect with an audience is something we all learn. In my experience we only need to be able to answer YES to two very important questions before we begin the journey:

Am I able?

In other words, is it humanly possible for someone like me to become a great presenter?

Am I willing?

In other words, am I prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve my goal.

The answer to the first questions is simple; I have absolutely no doubt that we are all able.

It’s the second question that most people struggle. Not everyone is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goal.

Unfortunately, there are no short-cuts to becoming a highly effective presenter.

Assuming you’ve answered yes to both questions, here are 3 of my top presentation tips to set you nicely on your way.

Tip 1. Make friends

Regardless of your credentials or idea; if your audience doesn’t like you, they simply won’t connect with you or your message.

It sounds harsh but it’s true.

Exceptional speakers know that their first priority is make friends with their audience. 

The Magic Formula!

– Smile

– Make eye contact

– Show them the real you

– Put yourself in their shoes

– Tell them stories

– Make your presentation all about them, not you

As you can see, there is no ‘magic formula’ really.

Most of us have been doing it all perfectly naturally since our very first day at school.

Tip 2. Make pictures

Neuroscience has been telling us for years that most of the decisions we make are emotional not logical. 

We know it instinctively.

Words really do have the power to change the world and they do so through the emotive use of language. Many of history’s greatest orators have taught us that the  imaginative use of language is key to helping us to capture the hearts and minds of our audience.

– Paint pictures with your words  

“This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity” –  Martin Luther King 

– Make them smile – Unless you are making people redundant or giving a eulogy most presentations could benefit from a little humour.

– Use metaphors that people can relate to and bring your message to life:

“Here are the title deeds of freedom which should lie in every cottage home” Winston Churchill

Were Martin Luther King and Winston Churchill gifted rhetoricians at birth?  I’m sure you will find that they too learned their craft.

Tip 3. Make memories

Every presenter wants to ensure that their message is clear and completely understood. Exceptional presenters craft presentations which are remembered and acted on.

Follow these presentation tips to help your audience remember you and your message:

– Get them involved – make it interactive

– Dare to be different  – Open with impact and make them curious

– Use stunning, compelling and relevant visuals – kill the bullet points

– Make it thought provoking

– Make it personal – to them

Great speakers and presenters aren’t born that way

They learn the skill.

If you can answer ‘yes’ to those two all important questions I shared with you then, it’s within your gift too.

At Mindful Presenter we really do believe that everyone is able, the only question that remains is are you willing?

If you would like to learn many more presentation tips:

– Book yourself onto a powerful public speaking course.

– Invest in some really good one to one public speaking coaching.

– Get yourself some excellent presentation training

Image: Courtesy of istockphoto.com

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