The envisioning process is the key to a successful presentation.
The process begins by visualising the presentation as a whole.
The presenter envisions in advance what success looks and feels like long before they enter the room.
Visualisation is simply the process of creating images in your mind
The subconscious mind cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined.
It will act upon the images you create, regardless of whether those images reflect your current reality or not.
‘Everyone can use imagery to prepare for all kinds of situations, including public presentations and difficult interactions,’ says Daniel Kadish, Ph.D., a psychologist in New York City.
To envision a successful presentation, find yourself a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for 10 minutes
Close your eyes and make yourself comfortable
Take a few slow deep breaths
Count down from 10 to 1 in your mind
Imagine yourself
– Preparing your presentation
– Rehearsing
– Presenting to an audience who are smiling and nodding at you
– Seeing yourself engaging with them confidently
Through repeated practice your confidence and enthusiasm increases. New ideas and answers will also come to you far more easily.
Visuals can help your audience too
Used well, visuals can help your audience to maintain interest and increase their understanding of your presentation.
They should only be used to:
– Make an impact that would be greater than the spoken word
– Help clarify a key point
– Provide an illustrative and compelling example
– Create an emotional connection
– Help the audience imagine
– Clarify or simplify a model
– Explain abstract concepts
If you are clear that the use of visuals will help your audience, you have the choice of which to use:
– Whiteboards and Interactive Whiteboards
– Flip chart
– Props
– Video
– PowerPoint or other presentation software
– Handouts
– Digital media
Mix it up
As you’re evaluating the best visual aids to use based on impact and audience preferences, you may want to consider mixing it up a little.
People have very short attention spans
One way to keep them engaged is by challenging the status quo and changing their thought patterns. You can do that by moving from slides to showing a prop or video, or perhaps also sketching something on a flip chart.
To keep your audience stimulated you need to take ownership of the presentation and do so creatively.
The envisioning of a successful presentation has 2 parts
The first is the presenter visualising a successful presentation
The second is using visual aids effectively
If you need a little help creating and delivering a successful presentation:
– Book yourself onto a powerful public speaking course.
– Invest in some really good one to one public speaking coaching.
– Get yourself some excellent presentation training
Image: Courtesy of
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