5 Presentation Gems from Inc.com

Man speaking at conference

Here are 5 presentation gems from Inc.com

Each of the following extracts from Inc.com will help you to raise the bar on your own presentation performance:

1. Present like a GPS, not like a road map

“A GPS shows you just the information you absolutely need to know at that moment. The key is simplicity, anticipation, and transitions. A road map shows you every possible bit of information. Remember that you’re telling a story which your audience needs to be able to navigate; less is more. Tell your audience where you’re taking them and why, describe the waypoints on the journey, and then tell them what they learned along the way to help them move forward.”

The One Skill You Need to Master: Presenting Naked


2. Check Your Ego at the Door

“ Audiences do not come to see a presenter brag about his or her accomplishments — they come to learn something new. Focus your talks on lessons your audience can take away and check your ego at the door.”

12 Proven Strategies to Make Your Presentations More Captivating


3. Avoid sameness of anything

“Sameness is the enemy of the speaker; sameness of pitch, volume, and speed; sameness of gesture; sameness of stance; sameness of types of information, like all facts, all opinions, or nothing but stories.

Move adroitly back and forth between all these.”

10 Straightforward Tips to Stand Out as a Speaker 


4. Cut your material

“Most presenters try to cover way too much in the time allotted.

The fix?

Cut out everything that’s not essential to your talk. Even if a presentation is great, the audience will only retain a few main points. Resist the urge to include something just because you think it sounds nice.

Does it relate to your main theme? Will it majorly contribute to accomplishing your main purpose?

When in doubt, leave it out.”

I Listened to 10,000 Presentations. Almost Everyone Made This Same Mistake


5. Always Give the Audience Something to Take Home

“Always provide something specific the audience can do almost immediately. No matter how inspiring your message, every audience appreciates learning a tangible way they can actually apply what they’ve learned to their own lives.

Inspiration is great, but application is everything: Never be afraid to say, ‘Tonight, think of an employee who is really struggling… and then tomorrow, do (this) and (this) to try to rescue them.”

Gates, Gladwell, Cain, and More: 17 Presentation Secrets From Superb TED Talks


These are just a few of our favourite tips and suggestions from other presentation skills coaches who share our passion for leading and connecting each time we speak.

We hope you will agreed that they each contain a gem of wisdom worth noting.

If you’d like to learn more presentation gems:

– Book yourself onto a powerful public speaking course.

– Invest in some really good one to one public speaking coaching.

– Get yourself some excellent presentation training

Image: Courtesy of flickr.com


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