It’s time to stop presenting and start connecting


Hands shaking

For over a decade, our team at Mindful Presenter have been helping professionals all over the world to stop presenting and start connecting.

We’re making good progress but still have a long way to go.

In our experience, most people don’t like presenting and many don’t like the idea of being presented to either.

Everyone likes connecting

We live in a VUCA world.

Each new year brings with it even greater volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

The only real constant we can all rely on is change.

That said, every year you can be certain that the number of meetings and presentations taking place in organisations every day will continue.

In this age of information, very little happens in business without ‘big data’.

It’s not new

As I began climbing the corporate ladder decades ago, I remember my boss saying, “What doesn’t get measured, doesn’t get done.”

I believe it remains a truism today.

We have a data challenge

The ubiquity and immense value of information is fueling a very serious communication challenge.

The volume, speed, and complexity of much of it, stifles human connectivity.

We need data to lead change and make decisions; that’s not in question.

It only becomes a problem when we face information overload exacerbated by poor communication.

Our greatest challenge as business professionals is to ensure that we don’t simply convey and cascade information mindlessly.

Anyone can do that, it’s easy!

In the abscence of a clear intention to connect with our audience, much of what is presented today, is forgotten by the time we return to our desk or car.

The solution is to connect the information to the hearts and minds of our colleagues and clients.

‘Connecting is everything’

Let’s make 2023 the year we stop presenting and start connecting.


‘Informed isn’t enough’

If you need help connecting:

– Book yourself onto a powerful public speaking course.

– Invest in some really good one to one public speaking coaching.

– Get yourself some excellent presentation training

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