10 Reasons to Join Our Free Public Speaking Masterclass

woman wearing glasses and headphones using laptop

Mindful Presenter is hosting a free, 90-minute, high impact, public speaking masterclass and presentation skills webinar.

Public speaking and presenting are a challenge for a great number of people. Regardless of age, knowledge, position or even experience it’s a skill many people still struggle with. There are of course people who are not only very confident and comfortable giving a presentation, some enjoy it and are very good at it too.

If you haven’t experienced it already, I can promise you that the time will come when you will be asked to give an important presentation at work. It may be to influence, inspire, lead change or to simply update colleagues or clients.

If you find the thought or previous experience of doing so troublesome, you owe it to yourself to learn to speak with confidence, authority and impact.

If you’re one of the lucky ones who is already comfortable presenting and enjoys it, you owe it yourself to see whether there are any opportunities to improve even further.

It’s not about presenting

At Mindful Presenter Ltd we hold the view that anyone can present; with varying levels of confidence, clarity and impact. We have all seen people present by simply reading PowerPoint slides or reading their notes; that’s not presenting, it’s reading.

Mindful presenting isn’t about presenting; it’s about connecting with your audience.

On the 13th May 2021 we will be leading a 90-minute, virtual, public speaking masterclass sharing many of the powerful principles of mindful presenting.

Here are 10 compelling reasons you should  join

1. Connect emotionally with your audience as well as intellectually.

2. Create a personal impact and be remembered for the right reasons.

3. Develop your own personal confidence and belief in yourself.

4. Be more influential in your company, industry and marketplace.

5. Lead your team, department or business more inspirationally.

6. Engage, excite and inspire others.

7. Get your message across clearly, concisely and compellingly.

8. Connect with others authentically.

9. Make a difference.

10. Avoid decades of bad public speaking and presenting habits.

Why it’s free

I’m mindful of the perspective held by many that the word ‘free’ is often associated with worthless.

The Mindful Presenter 90-minute public speaking masterclass is priceless, as you will see if you decide to join us.

It’s priceless because it:

Challenges and completely derails the status quo of decades of lack lustre presenting.

Offers an inspirationally refreshing approach to connecting with your audience rather than simply present to or lecture them.

Shares a whole new way of presenting with confidence, presence and impact.

It’s being offered for free for two reasons.

None of us have seen or experienced anything like the last 12 months

Covid 19 has taken its toll on all of us in its own way, both personally and professionally. Countless businesses have had to close their doors, vast numbers of people have lost their jobs. The mental and emotional turmoil for so many people having to work from home has been exhausting. The pandemic has also created a new and very challenging way for many of us to have to communicate virtually.

This is our way of giving people a few powerful insights and tools to help them get back on their feet with confidence as we move through the pandemic.

The second reason is to open up brand new relationships

Our business has been adversely impacted in its own way too. My hope is that if we can provide some tangible value at a time when it’s needed the most to enable people to restore their confidence and rekindle their businesses, we may make some new friends along the way.

If you’d like to join our 90-minute public speaking masterclass on the 13th May please register your interest here:


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If this article has inspired you to learn a little more about how effective your leadership skills are you may want to take a look at our leadership training and presentation coaching pages to see how we may be able to help you. You will also find a great deal of really helpful ‘free’ information in our Learning Centre.

Image courtesy of iStock.com


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