If you are terrified or even just a little scared of public speaking and presenting you are not alone. For more than a decade we have met and helped countless people who are terrified of public speaking and presenting. For many people it is a very distressing and disabling fear. A YouGov survey suggests that[…]
nervous category
If you are you terrified of public speaking these 13 tips will help
General, nervous, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking Jul 24, 2024
7 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking
Anxiety, nervous, Presentation Skills, Presentation Tips May 23, 2021
The fear of public speaking is as ubiquitous as it is paralysing for many people in the workplace today. Are you one of the millions of people who feel nervous or uncomfortable about public speaking? Mindful Presenter has spent over a decade helping professionals all over the world to manage and overcome their fear[…]
Watch out for the quiet ones – Presenting the introvert
Advice, nervous, Presentating training Nov 26, 2014
Is it possible that a self-confessed introvert could find the courage to speak for a whole 18 minutes on the highly prestigious platform of TED. That very same speech has been viewed over 14 million times on TED and over 3 million on YouTube? Susan Cain did exactly that She walked onto the coveted stage[…]
Emma Watson – Presentation nerves
Anxiety, nervous, Presentating training, Presentation Skills Oct 07, 2014
Emma Watson, the heroine of the Harry Potter series was appointed as a U.N. Women Goodwill Ambassador earlier this year. She recently gave an impassioned speech on feminism and gender inequality at the U.N. headquarters in New York. When I first listened to her speech on YouTube I couldn’t help but be a little[…]
You can be nervous and still give a great speech
Anxiety, Leadership, Mindfulness, nervous, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Storytelling Aug 04, 2014
You really can be very nervous and still give a great speech. At Mindful Presenter we are at very successful at helping people to overcome their public speaking anxiety If you feel nervous at the thought of presenting or public speaking, you’re not alone In fact, you’re in very good company The history books are[…]