50 ways to annoy, bore or simply lose your presentation audience – Part 1
Most of us have been part of a presentation audience. Every presenter’s job is to capture and keep their ...
Most of us have been part of a presentation audience. Every presenter’s job is to capture and keep their ...
Presentation lessons are easy to find. Enter the term presentation lessons into Google and you will be greeted with ...
Filler words are highly recognisable. In presenting and public speaking they come in the form of: Er Um You ...
Great storytelling is one of the most powerful ways of communicating your message with impact in the workplace ...
As a presentation skills coach I’ve long held the belief that most business presentations are far too long. In ...
Bad presentation habits are easy to find and hard to break. The good ones are available to us ...
Stage fright in public speaking is real and universal. Knowing that throughout history, some of the world’s most ...
Virtual meetings are here to stay. The technology to hold virtual meetings has been around for a long time. ...
You may be wondering what a public speaking coach is, before asking what they do. Contrary to popular ...
The slide deck challenge is a universal and significant one. Many business presentations today are supported by visuals. Once ...
Mindful Presenter has always had an international audience. The global pandemic has however, extended our reach in public speaking ...
High impact presenting and public speaking has a very clear blueprint. Anyone can present with varying levels of confidence, ...
Mindful Presenting offers far more than the key to speaking with confidence, presence and impact. Comnunicating in a ...
The fear of public speaking is as ubiquitous as it is paralysing for many people in the workplace ...
Mindful Presenter is hosting a free, 90-minute, high impact, public speaking masterclass and presentation skills webinar. Public speaking and ...
With so many people working from home all over the world we have all become used to the virtual ...
Public speaking mindfulness offer the key to success. Mindfulness is commonly associated with being reserved, contemplative and even a ...
Joe Biden made his inaugural address on Wednesday. It was an inspirational masterclass in the choice and use of ...
The key to high impact public speaking and presenting is contained in a number of timeless, real and very ...
The key to high impact public speaking and presenting is contained in a number of timeless, real and very ...
The key to high impact public speaking and presenting is contained in a number of timeless, real and very ...
Good public speaking skills start with mindful preparation. The key to high impact public speaking and presenting is contained ...
It’s nearly Christmas. It won’t be long now until you are spraying yourself with your new scent, trying on ...
Virtual presenting has become an everyday feature of business. Since Covid-19, it’s become the mainstay of business communication ...
In the world of public speaking and presenting the first few words really do matter. One of the words ...
There are 8 powerful principles of mindful presenting and public speaking. The fear of public speaking and presenting has ...
How many chances do you get to make a first impression? All presenters and public speakers face the same ...
Virtual presentations should be considered and crafted with the same level of mindfulness as in-person presentations. COVID-19 has ...
Creating a winning sales pitch is a challenge for many professionals. Whatever your product or service, you can be ...
A mindful presentation is one which has been carefully crafted to make a difference. With few exceptions, most aspects ...