Bad Habits: How do I stop my bad habits when presenting?

Bad Habits: How do I stop my bad habits when presenting?

The first thing most of our clients ask us for help with when presenting is to feel more confident on their feet. The second is to help them to get rid of their presenting bad habits. As a presenter you would never consciously choose to play with your hair while speaking, tap a pen, pace up and down, sway from side to side or say ‘err’ repeatedly. These are all simply bad habits we have adopted through being on ‘auto-pilot’.

3 Toxic Speaking Habits That Will Ruin Your Presentation – and how to avoid them

Presentation Skills – The painful truth about your bad habits

6 Public Speaking & Presentation Habits on Our 2016 Naughty List

Public Speaking & Presenting: Today’s Worst Habit and How to Fix It

Public Speaking: The Antidote to Bad Habits

The Biggest Hurdles for Presenters – and how to jump them – Hurdle 2 – Habit

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